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Lecture 22 William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) and his “The Red Wheelbarrow” 饥累振索醛刀爸坏惹绍屎宝症公析悸圭映颅焉失评据祝女抿斡福置束蓉躲《美国文学》二十二课件《美国文学》二十二课件 His position in American literature Williams is one of the two major literary figures in modern American literary history for whom writing poetry was only an avocation (the other one being Wallace Stevens); he worked all his life as a physician in America except for two brief visits to Europe. 侮赘拴臀频重蹄私贝芹了倾篷釜瞒些择曝输缴魁颊勤己嗣悠坝嚎泛皖逸鞭《美国文学》二十二课件《美国文学》二十二课件 Williams’s recognition came later in his career. He lived long in the shadow of T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) , and he was anti-Eliot all his life. Not until the 1950s and 1960s did Eliot’s influence begin to wane and Williams’s poetry began to have a chance to assert itself. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1963. 框笋氮删爷顾叮调批俩叭衬歉科紫歧洲躲仗底妥篷碱侗奠击根升辖呼谭搅《美国文学》二十二课件《美国文学》二十二课件 Now his position as a major voice in modern American poetry was established, and his poems began to exercise their influence on the general course of the development of contemporary poetry. He has been recognized as a forefather of open verse. In contemporary poetry, he is a stronger influence, perhaps, than anybody else’s. All major schools of poetry acknowledge their indebtedness to him. 峭孟胰拽叙旧拥茶车翰管泞氨咱贩椅撼猴洁间写疵浅粗剐行篆贷胀冕穆幼《美国文学》二十二课件《美国文学》二十二课件 Williams’s views Williams saw America as the place where he should root his poetry. He believed that American poetry must be rooted in America as its fount of inspiration and its source of information and subject matter. It was the place for American poets. He felt strongly that poetry must be grounded in everyday experience and in the speech of the common people. To him there was poetry in everyday life, which, when closely observed and well appreciated, is in itself poetry. 最粪值燎栽荆虐令陈苦撩墨辰责粉杆家库叭龋财巧惟灵鞭券壮第晶寝钾讣《美国文学》二十二课件《美国文学》二十二课件 Williams was not interested in philosophical and metaphysical speculation, which in his opinion, has no place in poetry: “Say it! N


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