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中国石油勘探 第21卷 第2期 CHINA PETROLEUM EXPLORATION 2016年3月 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-7703.2016.02.005 南海构造旋回对曾母盆地油气成藏的控制作用 刘世翔 张功成 赵志刚 谢晓军 王 龙 宋 双 郭 佳 王升兰 毕研坤 王一博 (中海油研究总院) 摘 要:曾母盆地是在南海构造旋回的演化过程中逐渐形成的,新生代以来经历了始新世—早中新世前陆断坳、 中中新世走滑改造和晚中新世至今区域沉降三大构造演化阶段。南海构造旋回不仅控制了曾母盆地的构造演化,而且 还控制了盆地的油气成藏条件,对油气聚集成藏起着重要的控制作用。前陆断坳期主要控制盆地主力烃源岩发育,形 成了三角洲煤系烃源岩和陆源海相烃源岩,并控制盆地南侧砂岩储层和构造圈闭形成;走滑改造期控制盆地中北部碳 酸盐岩储层和碳酸盐岩建造的形成;区域沉降期控制盆地区域盖层的发育与分布。 关键词:南海构造旋回;曾母盆地;构造演化;油气成藏 中图分类号:TE112     文献标识码:A Control of tectonic cycle in South China Sea over hydrocarbon accumulation in the Zengmu Basin Liu Shixiang, Zhang Gongcheng, Zhao Zhigang, Xie Xiaojun, Wang Long, Song Shuang, Guo Jia, Wang Shenglan, Bi Yankun, Wang Yibo (CNOOC Research Center ) Abstract: The Zengmu Basin was formed gradually with the evolution of tectonic cycle in South China Sea. Since Cenozoic, it has undergone three major structural evolution stages, i.e., foreland fault depression in Eocene to Early Miocene, strike-slip transformation in Middle Miocene and regional subsidence in Late Miocene to present. The tectonic cycle in South China Sea has controlled the structural evolution of the Zengmu Basin and also the hydrocarbon accumulation conditions. Besides, it plays an important role in the generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons. Foreland fault depression is the major factor controlling the development of principal source rocks in this basin and the formation of sandstone reservoirs and structural traps at the southern flank of this basin. At the stage of foreland fault depression, delta coal source rocks and terrigenous marine source rocks were generated. At the stage of strike-slip transformation,


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