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生态学杂志  2000 ,19 ( 1) ∶59 - 65 Chinese Journal of Ecology                                  土壤原生动物群落及其生态功能 高云超 朱文珊  陈文新 ( 中国科学院华南植物研究所 ,广州 5 10650) ( 中国农业大学微生物系 ,北京 100094) Structure of the Protozoan Community in Soil and its Ecological Functions. Gao Yunchao ( S out h China I ns tit ute of B otany , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , Guangz hou 5 10650) , Zhu Wenshan and Chen Wenxin ( Dep art ment of M icrobiology , China A g ricult u ral University , B eij ing 100094) . Chinese J ou rnal of Ecology ,2000 ,19 ( 1) :59 - 65 . Soil protozoan is t he t hird largest taxon in soil biota and an important biological regulator for soil organisms and biochemical activities because of it s biodiversity predacity and enormous biomass in soil. Different trop hic typ es such as p hotosynt hetic autrop h , saprotrop h and predacity existed in protozoan . Since predation not only controls t he bacteria community but also stimulate nutrient transformation and carbon cycling , t he study on protozoan community structure and ecological function is one of t he bases for elucidating t he soil fertilit y . The article reviewed t he research pro gresses in protozoan community , trop hic t yp es , ecological function and application in soil . Key words : soil protozoan , community structure , trop hic t yp e , ecological function , protozoan application .   土壤原生动物是土壤微生物区系的重要组 种自生的鞭毛虫 ,有 5600 种以上寄生的孢子虫 ( ) ( 成部分 。在土壤生态系统中 , 由于微生物与微动 [包括顶复亚门 Apicomplexa 、微孢子亚门 Mi ) ( ) 物的生命活动及其相互作用 ,从而形成了土壤的


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