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第50 卷 第5 期 兰 州 大学学报 (自然科学版) Vol. 50 No. 5 2014 年10 月 Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences) Oct. 2014 文章编号: 0455-2059(2014)05-0739-06 基于 ASTER 遥感影像武都区松散堆积物研究 崔 志杰, 郭 鹏, 熊木 齐, 庆 丰, 毅, 曾宇桐, 孟兴民 兰州大 学西部 环境教育部 重点实验室, 兰州 730000 摘 要: 以甘肃 南部 白龙江流域 武都 区段为例, 判识孕育松 散堆 积物 的特殊 地层岩 性, 遴选 出对地层岩 性敏感 的波 段, 并 采用 最 大 似 然分 类方法, 解译、提 取 松 散堆 积物. 结果 显 示: 风化 基 岩、黄土 的面 积分别 为 657.48, 2 1 180.95 km , 两者 占武都 区总面积的39.68%; 在松 散堆 积物密集分布 区, 已发 生 灾害272 处, 灾害点占武都 区 总灾害点的54%, 在 强 降雨条 件下, 灾害易发 性较大. 关键词: ASTER; 泥石流; 地层岩 性; 松 散堆 积物; 武都 区 中图分类号: P642.22 文献标识码: A doi: 10.13885/j.issn.0455-2059.2014.05.027 Research on loose deposits based on ASTER images in Wudu, Gansu CUI Zhi-jie, GUO Peng, XIONG Mu-qi, QING Feng, ZHANG Yi, ZENG Yu-tong, MENG Xing-min Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems with the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China Abstract: Wudu, which is located in Bailong River catchment, was selected as the study area to identify the lithology that can produce loose material sediments, select better wavelengths that are sensitive to lithology and interpret loose materials by using maximum likelihood classification. The results indicated that the area of weathered bedrock and loess is 657.48 and 1 180.95 km2, occupying about 39.68% of the total Wudu area. In regions with rich loose material sources, 272 debris flow events had occurred before, accounting for 54% of the total number of debris flow events in Wudu District, and such regions are much more prone to debris flows when three is a heavy rainfall. Key words: ASTER; debris flow; lithology; loose material; Wudu District 泥 石


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