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2008 仪 表 技 术 与 传 感 器 2008 8 Instrum ent Techn ique and Sensor No8 杨 明, 陈保平, 狄卫国, 刘冬梅 (, 050043) : 桥梁的挠度是表征桥梁安全状况的最重要指标设计了 电液位式挠度传感器, 利用连通器的原理, 把安装在 桥梁上连通管内的液位变化, 通过 学成像的方法进行识别, 以此来获得桥梁挠度的变化采用 RS- 48 总线转以太网 的方法进行数据的远程传输, 上位机可以自动控制任意一个传感器单元的数据采集, 获得可靠稳定的数据, 进行分析处 理, 得到桥梁的健康状况系统能够实现长期在线高精度非接触监测 : RS - 48 ; 挠度; 分布式; 传感器 : TH 82 : A : 1002- 1841( 2008) 08- 0022- 03 Photoelectric L iqu id Level D eflection M on itor Based on Prin cip le of Connected V essels 1 2 1 3 YANG M ing, CHEN Bao-p ing , DIW ei-guo , LIU Dong-m ei ( College of E lectrical and E lectron ic Eng ineer ing Sh ijiazhuang Ra ilw ay In stitute Sh ijiazhuang 050043 Ch ina) A bstract: The deflection is the most mi portant factor among all param etersw hich can ind icate the safety condition of bridge. The photoelectric liquid level deflection sensor w as des igned according to the principle of connected vessels. The connecting pipe w as installed on the bridge. The change of the deflection can be obtained by recogn izing the liqu id level change by thew ay of opti- cal mi aging. Them ethod that RS - 48 bus transform ed to Ethernet w as used to mi plem en t the long d istance data transm ission. The upper com puter can control any sensor un it and process the cred ible and stab le data to get the healthy state of the bridge. Th is system can achieve long tmi e on line and high precision non-contactm easuring. K ey w ord s: RS- 48 ; deflection; distribution; sensor 0 , , , RS - , 48 , RS- 48 , , , ,


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