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30 1 V o l. 3 0 , N o. 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 MA R INE ENV IRONM ENTA L SC IEN CE February . 2 0 1 1 1, 2 1 1 穆景利 , 王菊英 , 张志锋 ( 1. , 116023; 2. , 36 1005 : , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : X 834 : A : 20 11 0 10 11404 Screen ing of p rioritycon trol organ ic pollutan ts in coastal water in Ch ina 1, 2 1 1 M U J ingli , W ANG Juy ing , ZHANG Zh i feng ( 1. N at ional M arine Env ironm en talM on itoring C enter, D alian 116023, C h ina; 2. S tate K ey Laboratory of M arine Env ironm en tal S ci ence, Env ironm en tal Science R esearch C en ter, X iam en U n ivers ity, X iam en 36 1005, Ch ina Ab stract: In view of th e dem and on environm en tal m on itoring and assessm en t and th e pol lut ion statu s of organ ic com pounds in m arine environm ent of Ch ina, an app roach to screen and evaluate the p rioritycon trol organ ic pollutants of m arine environm ent w as proposed on the base of study ing the relat ivem ethods and ach ievem en ts. In th e approach, th e novel assessm en t ind ices the environm en tal expo su re index and environm ental ef fect index w ere establ ished for calcu lating the in tegrated environm en tal risk index, those ind ices in volved a series of p aram eters in clud ing env ironm en tal con cen trations, acute and ch ron ic tox icity data, and phy sicoch em ical p roperty of organ ic com pounds. F inally, in ord er to evaluate th is app roach, the mon itoring data and tox icity data of com pounds w ere used to ten ta tively propose the lists of prioritycon trol organ ic pollutan ts in


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