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科技英语英文摘要简介Abstract of English for Science and Technology;摘要与文摘两者在作用和结构方面是有区别的。英文Abstract,在英汉词典里既作“摘要”讲,也作“文摘”讲。
(1) 是一篇完整论文的一部分,但不是正文的部分。
(2) 它高度概括了正文叙述的内容,突出正文的重点, 是正文实质性内容的介绍。(读者通过阅读摘要,初步就能确定此文章对读者的重要性,究竟对读者从事的科研、教学有无参考价值,从而决定有否必要阅读正文。)
(3) 摘要虽然不是正文的一部分,但是它也不能脱离文章而单独印刷发行。;文摘
文摘是一种能脱离正文而单独印行的科技文体,主要以文摘期刊或文摘卡片或光盘形式发行。文摘除向读者介绍有关的必威体育精装版文献的主要内容外(有时是摘要),还介绍该文献的来源,以及查找全文的渠道。;英文摘要的内容;Management and application of process planning resource database in CAPP
Abstract: A structure of an integrated CAPP system is presented. The functional model of process planning resource management in CAPP is built up, and the integrated data management of process resource database and its application in CAPP are achieved.
提出一个集成化CAPP系统的总体结构,建立CAPP中工艺资源管理模块的功能模型,实现工艺资源数据库在 CAPP中的集成管理和应用。 ;Studies on dynamics of the clutch optimizing engaged –schedule of bus AMT
Abstract: The process of the clutch engagement when starting the automobile is introduced. The influencing factors of clutch engagement are discussed. The regular model of clutch engagement and the five – freedom dynamics model of the tow wheels of the bus are established.
The restriction equations of the clutch engagement are developed. Finally, the optimized AMT clutch engagement for buses is presented in this paper.
导出了离合器整个接合过程的约束方程。进而给出适用于大客车AMT离合器的最佳接合规律。;The design of the structure and controlling software for tool magazine in the teaching type machining center
Abstract: Taking the tool magazine design of V400 vertical machining center as an example, discusses the tool magazine structure characteristics of teaching type Machining center, propose the realization method for software of tool magazine controlling system on the basis of modularized IPC opening numerical controlling system.
以V400立式加工中心刀库设计为例,探讨了教学型加工中心刀库结构的特点,并针对基于IPC的模块化开放式数控系统,提出了刀库控制系统软件的实现方法 ;英文摘要的内容;Engineering Development Studies for
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