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DOI :10.13195/ 第23 卷第7 期 控 制 与 决 策 2008 年7 月 Vol. 23 No . 7 Contro l and D ecis ion Jul. 2008 : 100 1-0920( 2008) 07-072 1-09 白 明, 庄 严, 王 伟 ( , 116024) : 立体匹配 一直是计算机视觉领域的一个中心研究问题. 首先综合 绍了立体匹配算法的研究概况, 论述了 双目立体匹配算法中各种约束的核心概念和适用范围; 然后重点归纳分析了立体匹配算法的分类及其发展过程中的 各种演化算法, 对其关键技术进行了剖析和比较, 并总结了目前存在的主要难题和可能的解决途径; 最后对该领域存 在的问题和技术发展趋势进行了分析和讨论. : 立体视觉; 双目立体匹配; 匹配约束 : TP24 : A Progress in binocular stereo matching algorithms B A I M ing , Z H UA N G Y an, WA N G We i ( Resear h Center of Information and Control, Dalian University of T e hnology , Dalian 116024, China. Correspondent: WA NG Wei, E-mail: w angwei@ dlut. edu. n) Abstract: Stereo mat hing has long been one of the entral resear h problems in omputer vision. Firstly, some urrent studies on bino ular stereo mat hing te hnology are int rodu ed. Then the on epts and appli able situations of the mat hing onstraints are presented. Espe ially , the ategories and the improved algorithms in the pro ess of the development are emphati ally analyzed. The key te hniques are ompared and addressed, and some major problems and possible solutions are also summarized. Finally , the fo us and some ex isting problems of the urrent resear h in this area are pointed out, and the prospe tive te hnique development trends are proposed. Key w ords: Stereo vision; Bino ular stereo mat hing ; M at hing onstraints 1 引 言 Barnard[1] , , . Dhond[ 2] . , , , , , . . Faugeras[3] . Kos han[4 ] , , , . S harstein[5 ] . 20 80 , Marr , 4 , : / , / , . . 4 , , , . , :


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