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05款爱丽舍公关传播方案 Elysee 05’ PR communication plan for Elysee 05’;05新款爱丽舍传播目标 objective;在改款车上市案例研究中,时空视点选择04年传播较为成功的桑塔纳3000上市传播和新捷达两款车的传播策略 In this report,Evision will give two examples as Santana 3000 and new Jetta which is successful launch in 2004;桑塔纳3000 Santana 3000;上市背景;background;voice:(public image) 对新车猜测:桑塔纳3000可能要上市Vs桑塔纳3000可能不会上市 The image of the new product:Santana 3000 will come out of the market Vs Santana will not come out of the market 公众: Public: 桑塔纳可能要出3000型了 Santana 3000 going show out 桑塔纳3000型是什么样的车? What kind of the car is it?;传播内容:(品牌故事) Voice:brand story 桑塔纳品牌的历史(历史回顾、产业贡献、市场反应等) The history of Santana (review,offers,market feedback,and so on) 桑塔纳品牌在中国的未来 The future of the brand in china 公众: Public: 桑塔纳品牌是一种属于中国市场的品牌 Santana is an part of Chinese market brand 应继续支持桑塔纳品牌 Should be continue to support ;传播内容:(媒体试车) Voice:test drive of media 上海大众的实力和决心 The strength and purpose 产品first look(试车) First look (test drive) 公众: Public: 桑塔纳品牌是一种属于中国市场的品牌 Santana grow up with Chinese auto market, 应继续支持桑塔纳品牌 Carry on support Chinese brand;桑塔纳3000-第三轮传播 step three;传播内容: (密集传播) event: 活动仪式新闻传播 Action/news communication 配合产品的试驾活动进行配合传播 Communication for test drive 公众: public 产品的改进点 Improvement of product 产品的必威体育精装版价格 The latest price of new product;传播内容: (市场评论传播) Voice:commentary of market 突出改款车在产业中的地位 Stand out the status of new style 产品品牌的传播 Communication of brand 公众: Public: 重温品牌的口碑效应 Review brand intension 了解产品的市场地位 Deep understand the product worth;传播内容: (产品功能传播) Voice:(function) 对改款车的功能改进点进行详解 Minute introduce the improvement 进行对比性传播 Compare with others 公众: public 熟知产品的核心利益点 Know the key message very well 了解与竞争品牌的区分 Know the different with others ;传播内容: (试驾传播) Event:test drive 体验传播体现改款车的技术特征 Reflect that changes the technological characteristic of the fund car 公众: public 全面了解体会到改款车的产品优势 All-around realize the advantage of the new car ;桑塔纳3000改款传播研究;Before Santana 3000 come into the market,all countries had a imagination of 3000, The national medias all pay


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