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浅议民营企业的财务控制毕业论文 目 录 摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 导论 4 (一)选题的背景及研究意义 5 (二)国内外文献综述 6 (三)研究的主要内容及方法 7 一、财务控制的要素及必要性 8 (一)财务控制的内涵 9 (二)财务控制的要素及必要性 10 二、民营企业财务控制的现状及原因 12 (一)民营企业的概念及特征 13 (二)民营企业的发展及其在我国经济体系中的作用 14 (三)民营企业财务控制的现状及原因 15 三、解决民营企业财务控制现状的措施 17 (一)财务控制要和以“人”为本的管理相一致 18 (二)财务控制要和企业治理结构相一致 19 (三)财务控制要和企业战略目标相一致 20 (四)财务控制要和防范经营风险相一致 20 (五)建立民营企业财务控制系统有效运行的环境 21 结束语 致谢 参考文献 摘要不少于300字,主要概述本研究意义、研究方法、结论。 ABSTRACT The private enterprise in China began in the 1980s, the shortage of economic development in the 1990s of state-owned economy, adjustment period in China in recent years, with increasing support of private economy policy, private economy increasing the proportion of the national economy and become support economic growth and employment population, maintain absorbed the important economic and social stability,its role and status as a strategic adjustment of the state-owned economy, and increasingly. However, according to statistics, Chinas private enterprises life expectancy only 4.5 years recently, what is the cause the development of private enterprise to a certain stage or stop at the premature death? A variety of reasons, including, one an important reason is: the financial control with the needs of the development of the enterprise. I think the present domestic private-owned enterprises mainly exists in two aspects of financial control problem is a management idea obsolete, most private entrepreneurs financial management concept, lack of financial control comparative lag in financial personnel, the consciousness of employment, and adopts but not strong supervisory function, internal financial control is weak, lack of institutionalization, systematic and target of its affiliated enterprises, many loopholes in management. Therefore, strengthening the control of private enterprise of financial development and expansion of the private enterprise is particularly important. First, based on the connotation and significance of financial control, then the outline of priva


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