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30 4 Vo.l 30 No. 4 2010 8 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Aug. 2010 : 1000 1301( 2010) 04 0121 05 常 军, 任永辉, 陈忠汉 (, 215011) : ,, , , , : ; ; ; ; : U441; ; P315. 952. 2 : A Bridge damage location identification by improved curvature m ode CHANG Jun, REN Yonghu,i CHEN Zhonghan ( Departm ent of Civ ilEng ineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China) Abstract: Structuraldamage identification is one of them ajor prem ises of structural health monitoring and structural condition assessmen.t Because the curvature mode is sensitive to structural damage location and the frequency is easy to test and precise, this paper presents a curvaturemode based mi proved structuraldamage identificationm eth od. Stochastic subspacemethod is an effective structural condition identification method, which isbased on the am bient excitation. Them ain advantage of the stochastic subspace identification method is that the artificial excitation is not needed, and it does not interrupt the operation of the bridge. F inally, the method is evaluated by numerical smi ulation in a three span continuous beam. The results show that the mi proved method combined w ith stochastic subspace identification and mi proved curvature mode is an effectivem ethod to identify the bridge damage condition under the ambient excitation w ithout interrupting the operation of the bridge. K ey words: bridge structure; stochastic subspace identification; damage identification; w ithout interrupting the operation; curvature mode; modal analysis , , : 2009 12 10; : 2010 05 12 : ( BK2007549); ( 2008 K2 35) : ( 1973 ), , , , . E m ail: changju


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