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第 30 卷 第 7 期 作  物  学  报 Vol. 30 , No. 7 2004 年 7 月  644~650 页 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA pp. 644 - 650  July , 2004 晋南丘陵旱地麦田土壤水分特征及其运行规律 1 1 1 1 2 苗果园  高志强  尹 钧  周乃键  W A Adams ( 1 山西农业大学, 山西太谷 030801 ;2 英国威尔士大学) 摘  要  研究了晋南黄土高原半干旱地区旱地麦田常年土壤水分有关的物理特性及不同土层毛管水含量、田间持水量、 ( ) 田间含水量、有效水以及不同水势下的土壤含水量等基本特征,并采用等值线图析法分析了丰水年 600 mm 降水 、少水 ( ) ( ) 年 400 mm 、平水年 500 mm 旱地麦田土壤水分利用的空间结构、时间结构以及利用量的动态差异 ,得到十分直观的 结果。 关键词  旱地麦田 ;不同年型 ;土壤水分特性 ;水分时空变化 中图分类号:S512 Physical Property and Yearly Moving Pattern of Soil Water on the Arid Wheat Land of Hilly Region in Jinnan 1 1 1 1 2 MIAO GuoYuan ,GAO ZhiQiang ,YIN Jun ,ZHOU NaiJian ,W A Adams (1 Shanxi Agricultural University , Taigu 030801 , Shanxi , China; 2 Wales University of British , British) Abstract  The physical property of soil water on the arid land of wheat was investigated in the hilly region of the southern part of Shanxi Province. Some basic indicators such as capillary moisture content , field water holding capacity , field mois ture content , available water in different depths of soil , as well as soil moisture content under different water potential were measured respectively. Capacity as well as spatial and temporal distribution in the soil moisture utilization of three year pat terns with high , normal and low rainfall were analyzed by using isogram mapping which was intuitive and effective. Key words  Arid land of wheat ; Year pattern ; Property of soil water ; Spatial and temporal distribution of soi


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