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33 4 () Vol. 33 No. 4 2010 12 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( N tur l Science Edition) Dec, 2010 江苏省普通高校高水平运动队发展现状研究 储志东, 胡莉萍 (, 210097) [ ] , . : ( 1), ; ( 2), , ; ( 3) ; ( 4); ( 5) , ; ( 6) ( 7) , . . [ ] , , , , [ ] G842 [ ] A [ ] 100 1-46 16( 2010) 04-0 103-07 Study on Status Quo andDevelopmentStrategy of High Level Sports Teams inUniversities in Jiangsu Province Chu Z h idong, Hu L ip ing ( School of Physic l Educ tion, N njing N orm lUn iversity, N njing 210097, Ch in ) Abstract:Th is p per is w ritten ccording to m teri ls, st tistics, questionn ires, n lysis of specific c ses nd visits to experts, w ith the purpose of study ing the st tus quo of bu ild ing h igh-level sports te m s in un iversities in Ji ngsu Prov- ince. The results of the study is s follow s: 1. The gu ideline of bu ilding h igh-level sports te m s in un iversities in J i ngsu Province f il to m tch the n tion l policy to l rge extent. 2. The progr m setting is unre son ble, w ith lower cover- ge, com p red to the comprehens ive sportsm eetings such sO lym pics ndW orld University SportsG m es. 3. The over- ll strength of h igh-level sports te m s in universities in Ji ngsu Province r nks m ong the top in N tionw ide. 4. The en- g gem ent nd encour gem ent system of high-level co ch is notm ture. 5. The r te of enrollm ent in un iversities nd em- p loym ent ofm ost h igh-level thletes is rel tively low. 6. H igh-level sports te m s h ve comp r b ly sm ller ch nce to p rticip te in v rious com petitions every y e r. 7. The tr in ing fields nd equ ipm ent h ve not been gu r nteed every ye r nd funds for h igh-level sports te m re stil



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