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火电厂燃煤损耗新指标研究与应用 陈 锋 方 超 (华能南通电厂 江苏 南通 226003 ) 摘 要:对火电厂现有的入厂与入炉之间的两个燃煤损耗指标进行了分析,煤场存损率只是燃煤损耗的一部分且 不便测求,入厂与入炉煤热值差因当期锅炉燃用的煤与入厂煤不对应而经常失真。为此,界定了统计期内输入热 量和输出热量,从热量平衡和综合热值入手,提出了入厂与入炉间燃煤热损耗率、标煤损耗率、入厂与入炉煤综 合热值差、综合热值损耗率等新指标,并对评判标准进行了探讨。研究表明,这些新指标综合并真实反映了入厂 与入炉之间燃煤数量及热值的变化,可用于燃料管理考核,可将其作为《火力发电厂燃料平衡导则》的补充。 关键词:燃煤 热损耗率 标煤损耗率 综合热值差 综合热值损耗率 Study and Application of New Indicators for Fuel Loss in Coal-fired Power Plant CHEN Feng ,FANG Chao (Huaneng Nantong Power Plant, Nantong, Jiangsu, 226003, China) Abstract: Analysis is made on the two existing fuel loss indicators, namely, the coal as received and the coal as fired. Considering that the coal yard storage loss is only a part of the fuel loss and that it is inconvenient to measure, and considering that the difference of heating values between the coal as received and the coal as fired is often distorted due to the fact that the coal currently burned in the boiler is not necessarily the same as the coal as received, from a perspective of heat balance and comprehensive heating value, and by defining the heat input and the heat output during a reference period, a series of new indicators, such as the heat loss between the coal as received and the coal as fired, the loss of the standard coal, the comprehensive difference of heating value between the coal as received and the coal as fired and the comprehensive heat rate, are proposed, and the criteria of judgment are discussed. As is shown by the research, these new indicators have integrated and truly reflected the coal amount and the heating value between the coal as received and the coal as fired and are relevant and applicable to the evaluation of coal management performance and


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