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试卷401 听力部分 16. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother. C. The man stealing from his grandmother. D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals. 17. A. The woman doesnt worry about important things in society. B. The woman doesnt know whats important in society. C. The man doesnt consider himself part of society. D. The man doesnt care about children saying maam or sir. 18. A. The reasons why the woman is important. B. The reasons why the woman is wrong. C. The womans working experience. D. The womans work as a writer. 19. A. His studies at school. B. Deaths because of war. C. Wars he has studied D. Things he can control. 20. A. Have independent thought. B. Show respect to the teacher. C. Disagree with the teacher. D. Get angry at the teacher. 21. A. The company policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service. 22. A. A prison. B. A classroom. C. A big city. D. A small town. 23. A. 5. B. 6. C. 2. D. 3. Questions 24 to 33 are based on the same passage or dialog. Times are changing, and not necessarily for the best. There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a 24 . or an encyclopedia set. Now those items seem hopelessly 25 .; this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. People are becoming more and more 26 . that computers are the key to success. Parents are 27 . that children be taught to use them in school as early as possible. The problem for schools is that 28 . it comes to computers, parents dont always know best. Many schools are 29 . to parental impatience and purchasing hardware. At the same time it is clear that these schools are not ready to have any web-based course with 30 . educational planning. All of this has made things difficult for teachers. Teachers find themselves caught in the mid


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