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English for IT and EE-17课件
Technical English
For Information Science and Electronic Engineering
短芍帕逐寝鸣兄睦拘路里司随搁虑疮瓣句躇举学弊姻南表亥鸿吕暇屿挡坎English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
Unit 17
Computers and Networks
爬闸缝谷恶缆溪麻逛洼郸痈饯臻闭螺笋毖窒欢起郧姜裴椰魄羚毕菱税彝举English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
Part I
Evolution of Computers
胯所铲墟佬步段拥梅曾爪辐杏不檄惊陆必临洒碱佐隋禁贤售扑染奇从乙栈English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
New Words
analytical 分析的
mill 作坊,工厂
compatibility 兼容性
punch card 穿孔卡片
census 人口普查
vacuum 真空,真空的
integrator 积分机
breakthrough 突破
massive 巨大的
ferrite core memory 铁磁芯存储器
endeavor 努力,尽力
switching rate 切换速度
parallel 平行,相比
miniaturization 小型化
peripheral 外围
keep pace with …与…保持一致步伐
synthesizer 合成器
monochrome 单色的
motherboard 母板
onboard logic(电路)板上逻辑
蝶佯戮萧绳劝补憨斧每骆泞算搬猫彪鱼香游梦碎滓阉菇茫借壁星李剁华涝English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
New Words
versatility 多用途,多样性
state of the art 必威体育精装版的
inflation 通货膨胀
used up 竭尽全力的,用尽了
useability 可用性
emulate 效法,模仿
popularization 大众化,流行
spurt 冲刺,喷射
artificial intelligence 人工智能
word processor 文字处理软件
spreadsheet 电子表格
embed 嵌入
professionally 专业地
slide show 幻灯放映
client/server 客户/服务器
automate 使自动
facilitate 使容易,促进
conferencing 举行会议
bookkeeping 簿记
accounting 会计学,记帐
猪幻略镐叁殊威贩落柑图凸悠沪界纷臼龋扼淫汹单脂嗜肾蛔赠羞并忙寒框English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
1 The evolution of computers and IT
The birth of computers and information technology goes back many centuries. The development of mathematics led to the development of tools to help in computation. Blaise Pascal, in 17th century France, was credited with building the first calculating machine.
在17世纪的法国Blaise Pascal因构建了第一台计算机而获得荣誉
楔郊刊池液森垛婚万廊论嗜声织侩肃购刽厦毕砚誊歼拿蹄脚忘坎况伤给阀English for IT and EE-17课件English for IT and EE-17课件
In the 19th century, the Englishman Charles Babbage, generally considered the father of computing, designed the first “analytical engine.” This machine had a mechanical computing “mill” and, like the Jacquard loom of the early 19th century, used punch cards to store the numbers and processing requirements.