
Unit 1 On translation课件.ppt

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Unit 1 On translation课件

Unit 1;Read the following versions, which one is the best? ;Common errors in translation 寻找对等词语和结构然后将其串接成句的翻译方法;2、较复杂语句的译文似通非通,甚至不知所云。;3、典型的英语表达形式在汉语无法找到对等形式,翻译无从着手。;Theoretical speaking: ;What exactly is translation? ;In another word: ;Questions to Discuss; The term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the product ( the text that has been translated) or the process ( the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating);Categories of translation are as follows: 1) In terms of the language it uses按照涉及的语言分: ;2)in terms of its function按照翻译的活动方式分:;3)in terms of the materials translated 按照翻译材料的文体分:;4)in terms of disposal 按照处理方式而分:;What is translation?;What is a text?;Halliday and Hasan;examples;Definition of translation;Four Approaches of translation;Brief introduction on the history of translation;第二次高潮(公元4-6世纪之间);;;;Translation research and practice in China;;;;;Views on translation;?Basic Knowledge on Translation;What is translation?;What is translation?;Eugene Nida;---- Reproducing the message:;---- Equivalence rather than identity:;---- A natural equivalent:;;---- The significance of style:;---- A system of priorities:;Nida’s definition:;Three advantages in this definition;NEW ATTITUTE WITH RESPECT TO RECEPTOR LANGUAGES:;Message first, form second: ;;Characteristics of translation 翻译的性质;translation is a science;;;;;Translation is an art;;;;;Anecdote ;;; Factors in Translation: ;What about translation in the teaching of English? 翻译在英语教学中的地位;Relation of translation and other subjects ; 翻译涉及的知识(语用学、语义学、美学、语体学、跨文化交际等) ;More ;?语境意识、翻译媒介、语言差异和文化差异 awareness of context, media of translation, linguistic difference and cultural difference ;example;Medium /style 他混得不赖。 He’s getting along quite well. time 打得赢就打,打不赢就跑。 Fight when you can win, and run away when you cannot. Fight when you can win, and move away when you cannot. ;译者的素养 ;Translator competence译者的职业素养 扎实的语言功底 广博的文化知识 敏锐的感受能力 敬业乐业的


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