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· 20 · 北京中医药大学学报(中医l 床版) 2008年 1月,15(1) · 中青年名中医工程专栏· 152例老年肺部感染中焦湿热兼证的临床观察 史利卿 徐晓琳 马建岭 王丽云 章马兰 (1北京中医药大学东方医院 北京100078;2北京中医药大学) 摘要:目的 观察老年肺部感染患者中焦湿热兼证的发生及中医证候特点。方法 对 152例老年肺部感染患者及81例中青年肺 部感染患者进行中医辨证分析,总结老年肺部感染中焦湿热兼证的发生及证候学特点。结果老年肺部感染患者中有49.3%可 见中焦湿热兼证,明显高于中青年。口苦、口黏、不欲饮水、纳差、脘腹胀闷、舌质红、苔腻是老年肺部感染中焦湿热兼证的主要证 候特点,兼见头身困重、大便黏腻不爽等。结论 老年肺部感染患者常兼有中焦湿热证,发生率较高,提示该兼证具有重要的l临床 意义。 关键词:老年肺部感染 :中医证候:中焦湿热兼证 中图分类号:R256.1 Observation on 152 old cases of lung infection complicated by syndrome of damp-heat in Middle Jiao SHI Li—qing ,XU Xiao—lin。,MA Jian-ling ,WANG Li-yun ,ZHANG Ma-lan。 (1 Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078;2 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine) Abstract:Objective To observe the occur and sympt0matological characteristics of the syndrome of damp-heat in Middle Jiao in old patients with lung infection. Method The syndrome differentiation and analysis were given to 152 old patients as well as yang and middle—aged patients with lung infection The occur and symptomatological characteristics of lung infection with syndrome of damp- heat in Middle Jiao were summed up. Result In old patients with lung infection the proportion of patients complicated by the syndrome of damp—heat in Middle Jiao was 49.3%.which was obviously higher than that in yang and middle-aged patients. The symptomatological characteristics mostly included bitterness and sticky in the mouth,no desire to drink, poor appetite, abdominal distention, red tongue body and greasy tongue coating, and also heaviness feeling in the head and body and viscous stoo1. Conclusion The old patients with lung infection often suffer from the syndrome of damp-heat in Middle Jiao with a higher occurrence rate,which indicates that the syndrome is significant in clinic. Key words:lung infection in old patients;syndromes of TCM;syndrome of damp—heat in Middle Jiao 肺部感染是老年患者的重要死亡原因之一,中 符合诊断


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