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王艳丽等 2004 2006年广州市0~6岁儿童铅中毒情况分析 第6期 · 82l· 2004~2006年广州市0~6岁儿童铅中毒情况分析 王艳丽 陈运彬 广州医学院附属广东省妇儿医院 广东省妇幼保健院 510010 中国图书分类号 R135.1 1 文献标识码 A 文苹编号 l0o1-4411 I2008)06-0821-03 【摘 要】 目的:了解2004—2006年广州市儿童血铅水平、铅中毒率及其动态变化趋势。方法:分别整群随机抽取广州市 区部分幼儿园作为调查对象.全部用钨舟原子吸收光谱法检测儿童血铅值。结果:2004—2006年0—6岁儿童血铅平均水平为 64.35 儿,儿童铅中毒率平均为10.5%,3年中儿童血铅水平和儿童铅中毒率差异无统计学意义 (Po.05);铅中毒率高年 龄组 (3—6岁)与低年龄组 (0—2岁)比较差异有统计学意义 (P0.05),男、女童铅中毒率差异亦有统计学意义 (P 0.05):铅中毒相关危险因素前3位分别为:住房临近主干道、男孩、父母从事与铅有关的行业。结论 :广州市儿童铅中毒水平 与同期全国15市平均水平10.45%基本一致:3年中广州市儿童铅中毒率无明显变化,铅中毒率高年龄组儿童高于低年龄组儿 童,男童高于女童,应有针对性地进行儿童铅中毒的防治。 【关键词】 儿童 铅中毒 调查 The analyses about the 0——6 year——old children lead poisoning investigation from the year 2004 to 2006 WANG Yan—li,CHEN Yun—bin.The Affiliated Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital 510010 Guangzhou,China [Abstract Objective:To get the message about the lead level in children%blood,the rate of the lead—poisoning children and their developing tendencies in Guangzhou city from 2004 to 2006.Methods:Kindergarten children were randomly investigated in Guang— zhou,lead level in their blood were detected by atomic absorption spectrographic method.Results:The average of the lead level in children §blood from 2004 to 2006 in Guangzhou was 64.35 L,the average rate of lead poisoning was 10.5% ,the differences in three years had no statistical significance(P0.05);The risk correlated factors were the housing close to the bole tracts,male,the vocations the parents pursuit related to lead.The differences between the elder children(3—6)and the younger ones(0—2)had statistical significance (P0.05),SO did the boys and the girls.Conclusion:The lead level of Guangzhou city is at equal pace with the average of the whole country which is 10.45%,the rate of the lead poisoning do not change obviously.The rate of lead poisoning of elder children(3—6)is higher than the younger ones(0—2);t


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