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2005 9 16 9 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Sep . 2005 , 16( 9)∀1607 ~ 16 12 * 1* * 1 2 3 3 张志强 王盛萍 孙 阁 张满良 李建劳 1 2 ( , 1000 83; Southern G lobal Change Progr am , U SDA F orest Serv ce, Rale g h, NC 27606, USA; 3 , 741000) . , 1982 , 1989 5% , 209 % , , 15% , . 199 8~ 2000 , , , , 80 3 mm 7 86 mm , ( 19 82~ 19 89 ) 85 326 t 52 937 t , , ; , 5~ 10 , , , , 50 mm 6 kg !m- 3 , 100 mm 12 kg!m- 3 5 , , ; , . 100 1- 9332( 2005) 09- 1607 - 06 S1541 A 1 Response of sediment production to landuse change in Luergou watershed of Loess Plateau. ZHAN G Zh q ang , 1 2 3 3 1 WA NG Shengp ng , SU N G e , ZHA NG M anl ang , L I J anlao ( Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Conserva tion and Desertif ication Combating of Education Ministry, Beij ing Forestry niversity, Beij ing 100083, Chi 2 3 na; Southern Global Change Program, SDA Forest Service, Raleigh, NC 27606, SA ; Tianshui Soil and Water Conservation Exp erimental Station, Yellow River Water Resources Commission of Water Resources Min istry, Tianshui 741000, China) .Chin. J. App l. Ecol . , 2005 , 16( 9) : 1607 ~ 16 12 . T he study on the eff ects of d ff erent land use patterns o n the sed ment product on n L uergou w atershed of L oess Plateau nd cated that n compar ng w th 1982, the areas of for est and grass and of terr ace n 19 89 ncreased by


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