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南昌大学 外国语学院大外部 focus v. — to pay special attention to a particular person or thing instead of others Examples I cannot focus my attention on my study with such a noise. The TV program focuses on the cause why people take drugs. subtle adj. — not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention Examples The two pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them. The slow and subtle changes are taking place in all living things. brilliant adj. — bright, shining Examples The woman had brilliant green eyes. The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue. 近义词 outstanding , remarkable, clever, bright species n. — to continue to exist in spite of many difficulties and a group of animals or plants which are all similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants of the same kind as them Examples Panda has been declared an endangered species. Some people believe that the Internet is the greatest tool our species has invented. sober adj. — serious and thoughtful; not affected by drug or alcoholic liquors 冷静的,清醒地 Examples Halloween is never a day to be sober. sober v. 使…清醒, 使…严肃,镇定 Examples 浇一桶水——这会使他清醒过来 Throw a pail of water over him— . that’ll sober him up * * Unit One isolate v. — to set apart or cut off from others Examples Presley’s early success isolated him from his friends. This policy could isolate the country from other members of the United Nations. Translate 洪水使这个村庄与外界隔离了两周。 Key The flood has isolated the village from outside for two weeks. (be) blind to — to completely fail to notice or realize something Examples David’s good looks and impeccable manners had always made Rebecca blind to his faults. They seemed to be blind to the consequences of the decision. Translate 他们似乎没有觉察到该决定的后果。 consequence n. — something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions If you behave so foolishly, you muse be r


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