Book 7 Unit 1 集中识词l.ppt

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Book 7 Unit 1 集中识词l

共 112 页 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The young man with a d____________ was given the chance to work in the company. 2.His c__________ fingers couldnt untie the knot. 3.Its amazing how soon you a___________. 4.The negotiations(谈判) have been c___________ in a positive manner. 5.She offered me practical a_________ with my research. 6.One of his __________ (雄心) is to become a musician. 7.________________ (祝贺) to you on your success! 8.He is a ____________________(同伴) of mine on the journey. 9.The remote desert area is __________ (可进入) only by helicopter. 10.He found the climate there ____________(有益的) to his illness. 拓展: as well单独使用于句尾表示“也”“既……,又……”,但是不能用于否定句。 He speaks English as well.他也讲英语。 He is a professor and a writer as well. 他是一位教授,也是一个作家。 2.Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as_rich and full a_life_as you do.接受现实的他们并给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你们一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。 引导状语从句,两个 as之间可以是 adj./adv. 也可以是n.,如果涉及数量可以用 as much/many+n. as...,或者 as+adj.+an/a+n. as...,此结构还可与 twice, three times, half 等倍数连用。 ①This is as good an example as the other is. 这是一个像另一个一样好的例子。 ②I can carry as much paper as you can. 你能拿多少纸,我也能拿多少。 拓展, not, so...that...,, how 如果与单数可数名词连用,它们的顺序一律是:as/so/too/how+adj.+a(an)+n.... ①This is too long a journey for me. 这是一个对我来说太长的旅程。 ②She is so lovely a girl that everyone likes her. 她是那样一个可爱的女孩,以至于每个人都喜欢她。 ③How hot a day it is! 多么热的一天啊! [即境活用2] You know nursing is ______ a way of life. a much job as much a job as job a much as D.a job as much as 答案:B 解析:考查 as+adj.+a+n. as结构。 1.annoy/bother/disturb/trouble (1)annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。 (2)bother指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。 (3)disturb较正式用词,多用于被动语态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。 (4)trouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。 [应用1] (1)Pardon me for ____________ you with such a small matter. (2)It really ______________ me when people forgot to say thank you. (3)I am sorry to ____________ you, but can you tell me how to get to the station? (4)The accident _


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