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吴江市盛泽中学 研究性学习成果展示会 中西文化风俗的比较研究之节日、饮食、服饰篇 组 别:高二(10) 组 长:张微云 指导老师:吴伟钢 研究背景 中国加入了WTO,在让世贸接受中国和让中国融于世贸的过程中,种种源于民族文化差异的矛盾不可避免。 为了减轻这些矛盾所带来的损失,让中国人“知己知彼”。我们的课题-----中西文化风俗的研究便应运而生。 活动分工 中西节日文化的异同:任俊维 施伟丰 许寒晶 中西服饰文化的异同:钱丽芳 徐晓愉 陶熹媛 中西饮食文化的异同:张微云 仲晓萍 赵皙雯 访问专家: 钱丽芳 陶熹媛  上  网: 赵皙雯 任俊维 施伟丰 书面资料: 钱丽芳 徐晓愉 许寒晶 总结论文: 张微云 翻 译: 仲晓萍 节日 在春节之前,中国家庭都会做很多准备:清理房子,做专门的食物。红色的卷轴被挂在墙上,中国人相信卷轴上的字会为他们带来健康,长寿和幸福。不仅如此,世界上所有的中国人都非常喜欢春节里的舞狮和放鞭炮。 美国人在庆祝感恩节时会吃火鸡。观看电视里的职业足球赛是感恩节的代表性活动。散步同样是假期的一个重要部分。 Before the Spring Festival, families make great preparations, the house is cleaned and special food is cooked. Red scrolls are hung on walls. The Chinese believe that the words on the scrolls bring good health, long life and happiness. Besides, Chinese all over the word welcome the festival with lion dance and fire cracks. While Americans celebrate Thanksgiving with big dinners of turkey. Watching collage football game on television is a typical Thanksgiving Day activity. Parades are also a part of the holiday. 服饰 中西方的服饰特别是古代服饰有着很大差别。风格就是一个典型的例子。中国服饰较纷繁复杂,而西方人追求简明的风格。但服饰的美丽是两者同样注重的。 There are many differences between the Chinese clothes and the western clothes, such as styles , The style of Chinese clothes is heavy while the westerners like the clothes with an easy style. But beauty is important to both of the two. 结论 There are different degree diversities between Chinese and the western world’s culture and customs in festivals ,foods and fashions. But these diversities can’t be separated from the influence of factors, such as natural environments, the level of productive force, the vicissitudes of social history, the nature of nations and so on. There are also all sorts of connections between the two, which can connect the two together. 研究体悟 中西饮食文化 中西饮食文化 中西饮食文化 中西饮食文化 研究体悟 雍容富丽 质朴保守 异族风情 堂皇艳丽 You may want to use Excel to make a graph of your population and then import it into


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