Britania Rues the Waves课件.ppt

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Britania Rues the Waves课件

Bunny; Britannia: Great Britain or the British Islands rue: repent of: regret having entered into; wish nonexistent Britannia rules the waves: Britain is proud of being the lord of the sea. Britannia rues the waves: Britain is sorry that she has lost her dominance on the high seas. Britain regrets that she no longer enjoys a naval supremacy. ;Outline of P.1-P.3; grab: capture the headlines: titles of important news items Britain’s merchant navy… these days: Britain’s merchant fleet is no longer an important item of news these days. ; lifeline: (fig.) anything on which one‘s life depends. Here it refers to a sole means of transportation Yet shipping … economy: Yet the merchant is vital to British economy. ; In and out of the country: domestic and foreign trade (domestic trade refers to moving goods by sea from one port to another) Over half of it in British ships: it refers to “ninety-nine per cent of our trade” ;success story:person’s rise from poverty, etc. to fame Shipping is also a significant British success story: big profits are made in shipping in Britain; shipping in Britain has developed into a famous, profit-making industry ;peril: imminent danger;exposure to harm or serious danger (esp of death) e.g. in great, mortal, etc peril 在严重的,﹑ 致命的...危险中. danger peril hazard risk;danger:系常用词, 指“目前的危险, 也可指今后的或不一定发生的危险”, e.g. The patient was out of danger.   病人已经脱离危险了。 peril:语气比danger强, 指“迫在眉睫很有可能发生的严重危险”, e.g. He is in peril of his life. 他命在旦夕。 hazard 指“变幻莫测、无法控制的危险”, 带有“碰运气”的意思, 如:  e.g.He had a life full of hazard.   他一生充满了冒险。 risk 指“风险”, 含有“主动冒险”的意思, 如:  e.g.He rescued a child at the risk of his own life.   他冒着生命危险把那个孩子救出来了。 ; Being elbowed out : a metaphor; being forced out. e.g. Tough times also will have given stronger companies a chance to swallow up or elbow out weaker rivals. stiff: strong; great in degree; difficult to deal with. e.g. a stiff job; .stiff reading 难读; The British fleet … competition: the British


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