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1997 2 8 1 CHINESE JOURNA L OF APPLIED ECOLOGY , Feb. 1997, 8( 1) 7782 * 杨允菲 ( , 130024) 傅林谦 ( , 100094) , . , , , . . Density dependence of Phalar is ar ua nd ina cea clonal population on middle mountain region of subtropical zone of China. Yang Yunfei (N ational L aboratory of Grassland Ecological , , 130024) , ( Engineering N ortheast N ormal University Changchun Fu Linqian I ns titute of , , 100094) . - . . A nimal S cience Chinese A cad emy of A gricultural Sciences Beij ing Chin J A - l. Ecol. , 1997, 8( 1) : 7782. The quant itative anal sis on the densit dependence of Phalaris arund inacea clonal popu- lation on m iddle mountain regions of subtropical zone of China show s t hat mean tiller w eight , mean w eight of leaves per tiller and mean stem w eight per tiller are decreased in pow er function w ith the increase of population densit at different grow ing stages. At flow ering stage, the reproductive development is restricted b the populat ion densit , and the veget ative growth not onl b t he tiller densit , but also strongl b the populat ion densit . The deat h rate of population is negat ivel correlat ed w ith its densit at different growing stages. Key words Phalaris arundinacea, Quantitative character , Densit dependence, Clonal pop- ulation. ( P halar is ar und inacea) 1 , , , , pH 4. 98. 4 , , , , . ,


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