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指 導 老 師Adviser: 蔡 佩 倫 Pei-Lun Tsai 姓 名&學 號 Name&Numeber: 林 韻 容 Yuen-Jung Lin 巫 鴻 滿 Hung-Man Wu 黃 麗 螢 Li-Ying Huang 向 淑 安 Shu-An Hsiang 目 錄Index 前言Introduction……………………………………………..PG.1 棋盤式 Chi-Pan style……………………………………………PG.2 三合院功能 The funtion of the Semi-enclosed style…………...……PG.2 裝飾Decoration….………………………………………….PG.5 風水Feng-shuil….………………………….……………….PG.6 心得Reflection……………….…………………….……….PG.8 參考書目References………………………………………….….PG.9 壹.前言Introduction 苗栗縣是一個民風純樸的地方,有許多的客家人住在這,使這地方更添濃濃的客家風情。但卻有很多人覺得苗栗是一個落後的縣市,沒有繁華的街道,更找不到令人目眩神迷的夜生活。可是早上的市場卻生氣勃勃,操著客家國語的老板會熱情的和你寒喧。少了高樓大廈的景觀,在這裡到處可看到令人欣喜的綠,警察局旁剛結出果實的石榴樹,路邊散發清幽香氣的桂花,以及冬天時期一整片黃澄澄的油菜花田,這些全是大自然給我們的驚喜。 Miao-li is a county where many Hakka live, and it is a lovely countryside. Although many people feel that Miao-li is not a prosperous county, the street isn’t flourishing and night life is boring, in the morning; however in the market is full of energy. The Hakka bosses always speak the “Chinese-Hakka” accent kindly to every customer. Without skyscrapers, we can find beautiful green surrounding. The guava tree that just sprout next to the police office, and the endless yellow farm field in the winter, those are gifts which the nature gives to us. 苗栗有許多三合院,古厝和稻田似乎是最適合的搭擋,少了那一樣都不行,它們會重新喚起兒時的美麗回億。和親戚小孩們在三合院各個廳堂穿梭,跑到還是用大灶煮飯的廚房,看大人忙進忙出,自己也弄得一身黑,跟大哥哥去牆上的洞裡看剛剛出生的小鳥,晚上在院子中央聽大人說古、看星星…。 There are many historical houses in Miao-li, San-Ho Yuen (the old houses) and farm filed seems the perfect match to each other. Both of them are always recall people’s sweetest memories of childhood. We ran through every room with other kids, went to the kitchen where the mother must set the fire and cook, we were kicked out after we got all dirty. Followed older brother to watch newborn birds in the hole of wall, we listened to story telling by adults and watching starry stars in the sky in the garden. 台灣是一個農業社會,即使現在社會工作型態急速改變,但三合院對許多人來說有著深深的影響,對它也有著不可替代的感情,即使住在城市中的豪宅,但以往的回憶依舊,偶爾仍會想起從前赤腳在空地焢


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