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35 9 Vol35 No9 2010 9 HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS September 2010 , , (清华大学 材料科学与工程系先进材料教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084) : 00 r25N i7M o3, ,( EBSD) ,, , : ; ;; : TG11312 : A : 2010 Crystallography of surface precipitates in a uplex stainless steel MENG Yang, Q IU Dong, ZHANG W enzheng ( Laboratory ofAdvancedM aterials, Department ofM aterials Science and Engineering, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 100084, hina) Abstract: Austenite precipitates on the surface of a duplex stainless steel00 r25N i7M o3w ere found to exhibitmultiplicity inmorphology and crystallography, whichweremore complicated than those in the same bulkmaterial. EBSD mapping techniquew as employed to yield statistical data regarding the orientation relationship and axial direction of the precipitates. The possible invariant lines lying on the surface w ere calculated and compared w ith the observations. The observed axial directions of many precipitates are in reasonable agreement w ith the calculated invariant lines. This indicates that a surface precipitate tends to grow along one of the possible invariant lines in the surface. The existence of a variety of the possible invariant lines is responsible for the multiplicity in morphology and the orientation relationship of the precipitates on surface. K ey wor s: duplex stainless steel; surface precipitate; crystallography; invariant line / /, , [ 16] , 00 r25Ni7Mo3 KS, , , 5∀, , , 1 试验材料及方法 (w t% ) 24. 93 r6. 97Ni [ 34] , O O 3. 07Mo, Fe , , Ta, : 2


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