Chapter 4 Syntax:Talk 2.ppt

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Chapter 4 Syntax:Talk 2

Deep Structure 1 Flying planes can be dangerous. can be dangerous NP VP Adj N flying planes Deep Structure 2 can be dangerous NP VP S’ flying N VP S V N planes (someone) (infl) A speaker’s actual utterance in Chomsky’s terminology is called____ A deep structure B linguistic universals C universal grammar D surface structure Answer: D According to standard theory,___ contain all the information necessary for the semantic interpretation of sentences. A. deep structure B. surface structure C. transformation rules D. PS rules A 大连外(2001-2002) 考研真题 Produce surface structures from the following deep structures without going through the process of transformations. (1) Neg she past work last week (2) Tag you past meet him (3) the students1 pres be + ing help the students (4) policemen past be +en beat John (5) Q the professor pres be angry SOME REASON (6) SOMEONE past be+ing be +en beat Joseph hard (7) Q he past do SOMETHING (8) Imp you pres will wash you (9) [Neg Mary past go to the bookstore] [Neg Lisa past go to the bookstore] (10) the girl [the girl pres be beautiful] pres be from China Suggested answers: She didn’t work last week. You met him, didn’t you? The students are helping themselves. The policemen were beaten by John. Why is the professor angry? The boy was being beaten hard by Joseph. What did he do? Wash yourself. Mary didn’t go to the bookstore. Lisa didn’t go to the bookstore either. The girl who is beautiful is from China. Transformations Auxiliary movement (inversion) 助动词移动 Do insertion Wh-movement WH移动 NP-movement 名词短语移动 a special type of rules that can move an element from one position to another syntactic movement and movement rules Aux-movement(助动词移动) The movement of an auxiliary verb to the sentence-initial position, such as be, have, do, will, can, and should. eg. John will buy a present. Will John buy a present? Auxiliary movement (inversion) 助动词移动 Inversion? Move Infl to the left of th


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