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广州国际生物岛(简介) 广州国际生物岛(以下简称 “生物岛”)是国家发改委批准 成立的首批国家级生物医药产业基地之一,同时也是国家战略 《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要(2008-2020)》要求加快建 设的重大创新平台。 Guangzhou International Biotech Island (GIBI) belongs to the first group of national biotech industrial base in China and is accredited as the key project of the Reform and Development Outline of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region (China’s latest national development strategy). 生物岛占地面积约 1.83 平方公里,南依广州大学城(中国 面积最大大学城,10 所华南知名高校),北望琶洲国际会展中心 (广交会场馆),东眺黄埔军校,西拥万亩果园(广州“南肺”), 占据广州城市板块心脏地带。 GIBI cover area 1.83sq.km, Situated on the Pearl River, GIBI occupies the ‘heart’ of Guangzhou, with Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center to the south (China’s biggest university town), Guangzhou CBD and Pazhou Exhibition Center (venue for Canton Fair) to the north, Whampoa Military Academy to the east and Yingzhou Eco-orchard (also named ‘South Lung of Guangzhou’) to the west. GIBI also connects conveniently with the city transportation system such as Metro Lines, Express Ways, High Ways and Sea Ports. 岛内外交通便捷,早在2005 年就有地铁开始运营,让生物 岛与市区轨道交通灵活对接;10 分钟车程即达广州中心商务区 ——珠江新城,20 分钟到达广州火车东站(广九直通车、广深 和谐号),45 分钟到达白云国际机场。 目前,全岛市政道路和绿化基础配套设施已完成,全国第一 个地埋式再生水厂和参照国际一流标准设计标准产业单元一期 大楼(办公、研发、中试综合体,总投资4 亿,建筑面积5 万平 方米,楼高6 层)已投入使用;同时,标准产业单元二、三期业 已动工,广州国际创新中心(两栋210 米高的生物科技企业总部 大楼)、白金五星级酒店(迪拜帆船酒店核心团队参与设计,500 间客房,15 间总统套房,设有游艇码头和直升机停机坪)、科技 人员公寓等配套项目也将于近期动工,预计2012-2013 年投入使 用。 At present, most of the infrastructures in the island have been finished. They include the countrys first underground recycling plant, ‘office, RD, and pilotscale experiment’ integrated standard property unit, etc. A group of advanced facilities like the platinum five-star hotel (500 deluxe rooms and 15 presidential suites), the international innovation center (two 2 10m high buildings), scientist apartment, and so on, are all under construction (to be finished in the end of 2012).



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