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财务管理专业英语 专题一 财务报表分析 1 流动性 liquidity 2 分析 analysis 3 指标 indicator 4 比率 ratio 5 绝对数 absolute value 6 资产 asset 7 负债 liability/debt 8 计量 measure 9 评估 evaluate 9 估计 estimate 10 准确的 accurate 11 可靠的 reliable 12 应收账款 accounts receivable 13 可靠性 Credibility/reliability 14 说明 indicate 15 反之亦然 vice versa 16 分期付款 installment 17 偿付能力 solvency   一、短期偿债能力分析 存量比较:   1.营运资本=流动资产-流动负债   =长期资本-长期资产   working capital=current assets-current liabilities=long-term capital -long-term assets 提示:   (1)营运资本是绝对数,不便于不同企业之间比较。   (1)Working capital is an absolute measure, which is difficult to be used for comparing different companies.   (2)营运资本的合理性主要通过短期债务的存量比率评价。   (2)The reasonableness of working capital is primarily evaluated through short-term debt ratio. 2.流动比率=流动资产/流动负债×100% Current ratio=current assets/current liabilities×100% 提示: (1)不存在统一的、标准的流动比率数值。 (2)流动比率是短期偿债能力的粗略估计。 (1)There is no uniform or standard current ratio. (2)Current ratio is a rough estimate of liquidity. 3.速动比率=速动资产/流动负债×100% Quick ratio=(current assets -inventory)/current liabilities 提示: (1)速动比率较之流动比率能够更加准确、可靠地评价企业资产的流动性及其偿还短期负债的能力。 (1)The quick ratio can be more accurate and reliable in measuring the ability of an enterprise to pay short-term debt and its liquidity than the current ratio. (2)影响速动比率可信性的重要因素是应收账款的变现能力。 (2)The liquidity of accounts receivable is the important factor, which influences the credibility of the quick ratio.  4.现金比率   =(货币资金+交易性金融资产)/流动负债×100%   Cash ratio=(monetary fund+ trading financial assets)/current liabilities ×100% 提示:   不能说现金比率越大越好。因为现金比率过高表明企业闲置的现金多,会造成企业机会成本的增加和获利能力的降低。   A cash ratio that is too high may indicate a company having too much spare cash, which would increase the opportunity cost and decrease the profitability. 1.现金流量比率=经营现金流量/年末流动负债×100% Cash flow ratio=operating cash flow/current liabilities at year-end ×100% 现金流量比率可以从现金流量角度直观地反映出企业偿还流动负债的实际能力。 Cash flow ratio directly reflects the ability of the company to meet its short-term obligations based on cash generated in the


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