Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?.doc

Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?.doc

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Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?

Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work? 辩论流程——— 观点陈述阶段: 正方一辩陈述本方观点(用时不超过2分钟)。 反方一辩陈述本方观点(用时不超过2分钟)。 反方二辩向正方一、三辩各提一个问题,采用一问一答的形式,提问前必须指名回答者(提问时间不超过20秒,两位辩手累计回答用时不超过2分30秒)。 正方二辩向反方一、三辩各提一个问题,采用一问一答的形式,提问前必须指名回答者(提问时间不超过20秒,两位辩手累计回答用时不超过2分30秒)。 反方二辩总结(用时不超过1分30秒)。 正方二辩总结(用时不超过1分30秒)。 自由辩论阶段: 由双方一、二、三、四辩完成。双方交替发言,各方在回答完对方问题后才可向对方发问,各方回答问题和提问的时间累计不得超过5分钟。 反方四辩总结陈词(用时不超过2分钟)。 正方四辩总结陈词(用时不超过2分钟)。 希望大家都能够好好准备,能脱稿的尽量脱稿,不会背也没关系,但辩论时尽量保持语言流畅,吐字清晰,给老师留下好印象,给咱们加加分,最后预祝大家口语考试取得好成绩,加油! 主席: Good morning,everyone! I am the chairman of todays debate. Today, our debate is “Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?” First, we ask both contestants to introduce themselve. 正方自我介绍: Good morning, my dear teacher, good morning, everyone! we are the positive part. Im debater 1 Luo shuai, Im debater 2 Ma Huan, Im debater 3 Ma Qiying, Im debater 4 Ma Wenkai. 反方自我介绍: Good morning, everyone! we are the negative part. Im debater 1 Wang Hao, Im debater 2 Pu hengtao, Im debater 3 Wang Chao, Im debater 4 Wang Jinji. 主席:Next is the argument each side. 正方一辩立论: First and foremost, we appreciate that we pros and cons have seized this opportunity to pursue our desires for success together. Our opinion is that the opportunity and luck are more important than hard working.The Modern Chinese dictionary gives such definition to opportunity that it is a chance to do or a time for doing. Just as the saying goes,He who seize the right moment, is the right man. If there is no opportunity, even though you have talent, you have not got the demonstrated vision and the chance to stage. Let’s take Libai(李白) into illustration. There is no doubt that not only was he competent, but he was . However, he did not achieve his political goal in his lifetime due to the lack of opportunities. So it can be seen that the key to success is opportunity! It is the pre-condition for other elements going into effect. Without it, you can never perfectly apply your intelligence an


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