Environment Awareness--环境意识.ppt

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Environment Awareness--环境意识

Brief Introduction of the Style and Background of the Passage. This passage is of an argumentation style in the form of newspaper editorial, in which the writer presents his/her point of view and tries to convince readers to agree with it. The most important features of argumentative writing are its three elements: a clear theme that the writer argues for; evidence that supports the argument; and logically organized points. During the last decade, the media has greatly raised the environment awareness of the public. However, a new report shows that Californian consumers have been deceived by “green” electricity marketing claims and the green buyers are actually paying extra dollars for sham 虚假的 benefits. review v. to reexamine; to criticize 细查;评论 e.g. The airport authorities have promised to review their security arrangements. A critic reviewed the new Broadway play and wrote food things about it. review n. a critique 评论 e.g. I hope your new book gets favorable reviews. A good review of new play was in today’s newspaper. analyze v. study or examine in order to learn about 分析,研究 e.g. He analyzed the food and found it contained poison. The leader tried to analyze the causes of our failure. repackage v.to put into a new covering 重新包装 e.g. The design of their product looked old- fashioned, so they repackaged it to look more modern. follow suit to do the same as another person 仿效别人;跟着做 e.g. Once one bank raised its interest rate, all the others followed suit. He asked for a rise, and soon other employees followed suit. lead to result in 导致 e.g. This will lead to trouble in the future. The scandal led to him resigning. extend v. to continue in space or time e.g. The company plans to extend its activity to produce videos. We will eventually extend the road as far as it is needed. deal with to concern; to be about 涉及,关于 e.g. This chapter dea


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