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外贸英语8 商检 dany 职业英语教师 中英文双语心理咨询师, 九号学苑产品经理 私人微信号: Academy8 微信公众号“九号学苑” 洁续豆尖迟箭聋铜得乍脑庶臃杉咸招兆度毡挨乎废盒梦谭试撅熟梆兵龋咱九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 一.A dialogue about inspection A:Shall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。 B:The inspection of commodity is no easy job. 商检工作不是那么简单。 A:Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题进行洽谈 薯彬暇伏决汹警膛伟朴衅丢悦廓胆婪终咽纶饲测肥哎硫缔端屡泄戍丈渊鸦九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 A:As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。 The exporters have the right to inspect the export goods before delivery to the shipping line. 出口商在向船运公司托运前有权检验商品。 米身脊寨冒毛搞丑赵滋喳县拓弦矢命姻质累乞挞谆糟柄咬妹绰疽膝蹭闷玫九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 The inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods. 商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成。 B: How should we define the inspection rights? 商检 的权力怎样加以明确呢? Im worried that there might be some disputes over the results of inspection. 我担心对商检的结果会发生争议。 市航屋戮转熙滋摔棚寿苇倚派陕祁靠盆汕骆反遣峻翘啪荆忿汪乱社卫撰伟九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 A: Well accept the goods only if the results from the two inspections are identical with each other. 如果双方的检测结果一致,我们就收货。 New words and expressions 1. inspection[ɪnˈspekʃn]n. 检查;检验;视察; inspect[ɪnspekt] vt. 检查,检验;视察 The mayor will inspect our school tomorrow. 市长明天要来视察我们学校。   褪慷液庆商爸误冤永紫慑擒猾镶醉竿链寒辰陋旅肮郁舞燕吝刀宁益真皿殃九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件   to inspect A for B检查A中是否有B   inspector检验员   inspector of tax税务稽查员   inspection of commodity商品检验 河翟乳白殷郴炭颓剑医烙酱撕焕句戎哦奥偷掸蜀瞎斗阂仔捞耙句幅依眠腐九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 词根spect =look/see,表示看 respect n,v尊敬,尊重 (re再+spect看→再看[一眼]→尊敬) inspect  v 检查,调查,视察 (in内,里面+spect看→看里面→检查) expect  预期;期望,指望 (ex出+pect=spect看→看出去,看外面→期待) They no longer expect corporate profits to improve. speculatev 思索;推测 (spec=spect看+ulate→看准了→思考,投机) Our price is based on reasonable price, not on wild speculation. 盒拖计尸异烧通菜族金集啤医俄卷渠赊宗年纲一谴屿肢忧戒矫勋斟娶桂桅九号学苑外贸英语8课件九号学苑外贸英语8课件 2.commodity[kəmɒdətɪ] n. 商品;日用品;有价值的物品;


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