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Module 4 The art of selling Contents Selling: qualities Personality Cheerful disposition性格 Mental ingredient: imagination, creation, initiatives, presence of mind… Patience and perseverance Courtesy Complete knowledge about the products, company and the customers What arguments did they use to convince the buyer? Price, product features, emotional benefits Emotional benefits: the positive feelings that buyers make about themselves due to?their use, display and attachment to a certain product or service and its features. Eg: feeling loved, attractive, secure, sexy, caring and nurturing, athletic, healthy, insightful, creative…. Unique Selling points / proposition (独特销售点,销售的核心竞争力):what sets you and your business — or you as an individual — apart from your competition. It can be an actual fact or a perceived difference or specialty. Added value:Price that the product/service is sold at —— cost of producing the product The value that is added to any product or service as the result of a particular process to increase the performance and features of the product. For example, technical content, cultural value 1、附加值产品是指在产品加工过程中通过工艺、技术、服务乃至品牌等手段使产品得到较大的增值,而不是单纯的要素投入形成的物化价值。劳动密集型产品的加工过程只要存在增值较高的环节就可谓这高附加值产品。 2、附加值产品通常是指“投放产出比”较高的产品。它的技术含量、文化价值等比一般产品要高出许多,因而市场升值幅度大,获利高。 3、附加值产品不能等同于高技术、高消费、高档次产品,后者只有成为高效益产品时才能称为高附加值产品。高附加值产品的总体特征是技术知道密集度高、市场需求度高、品牌知名度高、产品质量优异,基本质特征是经济效益好。 buying signal: verbal or non-verbal clues showing that the buyers are ready to buy When they are ready to buy Spending time looking at one product type Looking around for somebody to help them Asking questions about the detail Asking about price Using possession language Asking another person’s opinion Body state changes Touching the money When they are not ready to buy Avoiding eye contact with you Making not now excuses Casual handling of the product Looking at many different products Moving around quickly Possible answers That’s OK. We can arrange credit finance We can order a blac



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