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示吩铀天敦水绅失又晰杭瓜滋带苑哨臂艘业谷英数痔渺罩陈闪旅斥婆疥峪商务翻译比较句式课件商务翻译比较句式课件;商务英语翻译 之 句法翻译 ; 英语和汉语在表示比较的结构形式和使用方法上有较大的差别,从文化差异方面来看,英美人一般不作绝对的肯定或否定,总是作相对的比较,而汉语则习惯于使用最高级形式。此外,还有一些比较句式在汉语中反映不出来。常见的比较句式结构有以下几个方面:;比较句式(1):各种比较句式的替换 ;比较句式(1):各种比较句式的替换 ;比较句式(2):等比句式;3. A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. ;有头脑的人不会指望广告里说的都是真的,同样也不会指望申请工作的人会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。;6. Fertilizers are to the plant what food is to men.;One may as well make business transactions via the Internet at home as do business with the other party in person. ;比较句式(2):等比句式;比较句式(2):等比句式 ; 13. It is in business as in any other field that people must abide by the law. ;15. Sufficient funding is no less necessary than good management to the normal operation of a firm. ;18. We hoped things would go better, but as it is they are getting worse. ; He finds fault with me as I am without having anything better to suggest. 他只是对我现在的一切加以指责,而没有提出什么良策。 ;过去犯的政治错误并没有使他变得更聪明。 ;比较句式(3):差比句式 ;The second reason for the amorphous(无定形的,无组织的) nature of political parties in the United States is that each party is more interested in winning elections than in putting across a particular policy or law. ;4. The child was less hurt than frightened. ;比较句式(3):差比句式;这些房子非常昂贵,工薪阶层买不起。 ;10. The car ran out of gas on the way, and what was worse, there was not a single gas station in the vicinity. ;12. This year SONY has produced as many game machines again as Microsoft. ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;由于我公司缺少必要资金,我非常愿意接受贵方的合作。 ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;比较句式(4):极比句式 ;??较句式(5):比例句式 ;比较句式(5):比例句式 ;比较句式(5):比例句式 ;比较句式(6):择比句式 ;比较句式(7):介词表示比较 ;比较句式(7):介词表示比较 ;比较句式(8):其他表达法; Her mother asked her to stop playing with water, but she only did it all the more. 她母亲叫她别再玩水了,但她却玩得更厉害了。 The conversation about the weather between the Englishmen do not as a rule leave the participants any the wiser; only on rare occasions can information be said to have been exchanged. 英国人之间关于天气的谈话一般没什么内容;仅在很少的情况下才可以说双方之间有了信息交



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