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Lecture Two;4Cs in Negotiation;Negotiation environment;Some Basic Negotiation Principles;;Principle of Collaborative Negotiation (CN);;Principled Negotiation (It is particularly oriented to collaborative negotiations.) ;Separate the people from the problem People problems are often caused by inaccurate perceptions, inappropriate emotions and poor communication. Three techniques are recommended: Establish an accurate perception Cultivate appropriate emotion Strive for better communication;;;;;2. Focus on interests instead of positions Identify the self-interests Discuss interests with the other party;;3. Invent options for mutual gains The brainstorming of options prior to decision-making is a critical piece for the success of the collaborative negotiation process. The ability to invent options is one of the most useful assets a negotiator can have. 1) Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them 2) Develop as many options as possible before choosing one 3) Search for mutual gains 4) Find ways to help make the other party’s decision easy;1) Separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them;2) Develop as many options as possible before choosing one;3) Search for mutual gains;4) Find ways to help make the other party’s decision easy ;4. Insist on using objective criteria (such as standards independent of wills of any party; legitimate and practical; acceptable to all parties) They are standards or principles which the parties believe in and which are not under the control of any single party, such as market value, scientific judgment, moral standards, tradition, course of dealing , a flip of coin, ect. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria: one example Jointly discuss which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied Never yield to pressure, only to principle;1)Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria:;合作原则谈判法;合作式谈判;一、对事不对人;一、对事不对人;二、着眼于利益而非立场;三、制定双赢方案 ?;三、制定双赢方案;四、引入客观评判标准



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