Unit1 L1 A Perfect Day(佛山一中 唐丽琼老师).ppt

Unit1 L1 A Perfect Day(佛山一中 唐丽琼老师).ppt

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Unit1 L1 A Perfect Day(佛山一中 唐丽琼老师)

Read the two texts and finish the form. 7. working his way through his paperwork work one’s way through : try hard to finish doing sth paperwork n. regular work of writing reports, letters, keeping records, etc.日常文书工作 the paperwork : the papers connected with one piece of business. 文件 我父亲每晚都处理文件到深夜. My father works his way through his paperwork till midnight every day. 8. normally adv. in the usual or expected way正常地 cf. usually 通常地 return to normal 恢复正常 经过三天的艰苦劳动, 一切都恢复了正常. After three days’ hard work, everything returned to normal. 我通常在早晨六点半去上学. I usually go to school at half past six. 9. go off :1) explode ; to ring or sound loudly e.g. A bomb went off in central London this morning. The fire alarm went off . 2)---to leave a place 离开 She went off to get a drink. 3)---(a light) to go out (电灯)熄灭, (电)中断, (机器等)停止运行 The heating went off last night. 4)--- become bad (食物/饮料)变质,变坏 The bottle of drink has gone off. 10. get changed : get = become ; pass from one state to another get wet ; get excited ; get drunk ; get used to ; get married ; get bored 11. I am always the first person to get to the office. 他总是第一个到校,最后一个离校. He is always the first to get to school but the last to leave school. 12. take up占据(时间、空间) This table takes up too much room. 这个桌子太占地方。 14. be asleep : be sleeping cf. sleep; asleep; sleepy asleep 睡着了 afraid 害怕的 awake 醒着的 alive 活着的 alone 孤独的 Ex. 1.There were three other people at the meeting ________ Mr. Day. 2.I don’t think I’m going to Scotland for Christmas. It’s such a long way. ________, I haven’t got much money left. 3.He came and sat ________me. 2. switch on=turn on接通, 打开(电器) First you should switch the machine on.首先你要接通机器电源。 switch off =turn off切断(电流等) He switched it off because he didn’t like the television programmes. 他把电视关了, 因为他不喜欢那些电视节目。 switch over---change交换位置, 转换。 You drive fi


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