unit1 Section-A-reading An Accidental Invention-课件(鲁教新目标九年级全).ppt

unit1 Section-A-reading An Accidental Invention-课件(鲁教新目标九年级全).ppt

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unit1 Section-A-reading An Accidental Invention-课件(鲁教新目标九年级全)

Something about zipper Do you know how small _______ changed the world? That’s the subject for my ____ ____. I want to introduce the _____. It is ____ a great invention ____ it is often ____ in our ____ _____. Zippers can ____ ____ ___ dresses, ______, shoes, bags, almost everywhere. I have seen on a ______ that the _________ of different inventions were ______. There it ______ that the zipper was invented ___ Whitcomb Judson in 1893. But it wasn’t used _______ at that time. In around 1917, it become ___________. 翻译下列句子 1.我的学校项目的主题是改变世界的小发明。 2.考虑一下它在我们的日常生活中用的多频繁。 ___ ____how often it’s used in our ____ _____. 3.看来你说的确有点道理。 4.不同发明的创始者都被列在那里。 5.拉链是什么时候被发明的? 6.在那个时候拉链没有被广泛使用。 Exercise 完成句子: 1.汽车是什么时候发明的?它是在1885年被发明的。 When _________ the car________? It _____ _____ _____1885. 2. 带灯的鞋子是什么时候发明的?是去年发明的。 When ____shoes with lights _____ _? They _____ _____ last year. 3. 他们是谁发明的。是朱丽.汤普森发明的。 _____ were they ____ _____? They were _____ ____Julie Thompson. 4. 他们是用来做什么的? 是用来在黑暗中视物的。 What are they ____ ____? They’re used _____ _____ in the dark. 5.The knife ___________(用于) cutting. 1.I like the s____ of the shoes. 2.This is a p_____ to build a new park in our town. 3.It m____ that the zipper was invented in 1893. 4.What can you do in your d____life? 5.we need_____(电) to live. 6.it is my______(高兴) to make a house. 7.it is a ____(清单) of the things to buy. 8.If you want to know about something, you can visit its w_____ on the Internet. 1.The trucks_____(make) in Changchun. 2.Julie Thompson is the____(invent) of battery-operated slippers. 3.The door____(not lock) yesterday. 4.we had a _____(please) evening at Susan’s home. 5.Driving after drinking wine_____(not allow) in China. ( )1.The kind of cup is used_______ drinking. A.to B.as C.by D.for ( )she used to____a bus to school, but now she is used to_____to school. A.taking,walk Btake, walk C.taking, walking D.take ,walking ( )3.I think the short story ______by Lu Xu


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