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* * * * 4. He is talking to his father. (用usually改写句子) He _______ _____ to his father. 5. My father often reads newspaper after supper.(画线提问) _____ _____ _____ father often ____ after supper? What does your do usually talks Translate and write them down. 1. - 你多久喝一次牛奶? - 我每天都喝。 2. 我妈妈想让我喝牛奶。她说它对我的 健康有益。 How often do you drink milk? I drink milk every day. My mother wants me to drink milk. She says it’s good for my health. 3. 多读书对我们有好处。 It’s good for us to do more reading. 4. 老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。 The teacher doesn’t want us to eat hamburgers. 5. 大声朗读对提高你的英语有好处。 Reading aloud is good for improving your English. Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? Lisa sleeps eight hours every night. She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day. She never eats junk food. 读一读, 判断谁的生活 健康? Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? Pam likes to watch TV. On weekends, she never exercises and she doesn’t like fruits or vegetables. She eats junk food. And Pam never goes to the doctor. Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? Pico is tall and thin. He plays tennis three times a week and he runs every Saturday. He never watches TV. He eats fruits and vegetables every day and sleeps nine hours every night. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Homework 以My habits (good habits and bad habits) 为题目写一篇短文。(字数不少于50字) Unit 2 How often do you exercise? eat junk food once a month A: How often do you eat junk food? B: Once a month. surf the Internet once a week A: How often do you surf the Internet? B: Once a week. Once a month Twice a week Three times a week Four times a week Once or twice a week Uncle Wang Ms Lin Bob Li lei Mr White 1 Complete the chart with activities you do and don’t do. What about your mother / father? always usually often sometimes hardly ever never I My mother or father 2 Write five sentences using the information above. For example: I always eat


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