week1 五大句型.ppt

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week1 五大句型

五大句型 Five Types of Sentence Patterns 判断下列句子属于何种句型 1. Time flies by. SV 2. It slipped my mind. SVO 3. I cant stand the heat. SVO 4. Fools seldom differ. SV 5. I sent you an E-mail. SVOO 6. It cost me three dollars. SVOO 7. Old habits die hard. SV 8. You can leave the door open. SVOC 9. He speaks English well. SVO 10. Teachers will make your English better. SVOC 11. They elected George W. Bush US President. SVOC 12. The novel won the author a Nobel Prize. SVOO 13. That will save you a lot of time. SVOO 14. They found the dead boy. SVO 15. They found the boy dead. SVOC 16. I found the book easily. SVO 17. I found the book easy. SVOC 18. Tom found Jim an apartment. SVOO 19. We found John a loyal (忠诚的) friend. SVOC 20. I will find you a good teacher. SVOO 21. I find you a good teacher. SVOC 22. She will make him a good wife. SVOO 23. She will make him a good husband. SVOC 26.移民人数在50年代上下波动。 ______ of immigrants ______ during the 1950s. The number … fluctuated … SV 27.跨文化交流有助于消除偏见和敌意。 ______ can remove ______ . Cross-cultural communication … prejudice and hostility SVO 1.对环境和生物多样性的保护对于发展中国家是个奢侈的事情。 ______ and the protection of biodiversity ______ for developing nations. Environmental protection … are a luxury … SVC 2.人们把电视叫做白痴盒子。 People call ______. … TV an idiot box. SVOC 3.女教授的人数在1970年急剧下降。 ______ of female professors ______ in 1970. The number … dropped significantly … SV 4. 垃圾食品危害人们的健康。 ______ impairs people‘s ______. Junk food … health. SVO 5.人们对此事持有不同看法。 ______ on the issue in question ______ from person to person. Views … vary … SV 6.在表明观点之前,我将从不同的角度来分析这个热点话题。 Before airing my opinion,I will ______ from diverse perspectives. … analyze the hot issue … SVO 7.我要求有关部门一星期内派人来处理这棘手的问题。 I ______ to settle this thorny matter in a week. … require the department concerned to send someone … SVOC 8.养殖和屠杀这些动物的方法经常是野蛮和残忍的。 ______of farming and slaughter of t


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