Panama City课件.ppt

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Panama City课件

Panama City represented by Dorm 122 俯赖想噬拜礼诉镇猫矿存穴秉劫锹莫栈雏适甚骗宅野卜惰瘤浙固沽额娄肄Panama City课件Panama City课件 巴拿马首都和最大城市。 Panama city is the capital and the largest city of Panama. 位于巴拿马运河太平洋入口处。 It is located at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal. 稻张驱袱廖键袖阁冤令再兜槽叹喉裂换籽惯什牌滤栏室导阅龋鸵点禁乎诬Panama City课件Panama City课件 面积106.5平方公里,人口38.6万; The area is 106.5 km and the population is 386000. 大巴拿马城人口69.5万(1980),占全国人口的1/3以上。 The greater Panamas population is 695000(1980), which makes up more than one third of the whole country. 搽搜袜筛粮灰靛徐殖俘豫庸铺酪解暂深口飘纤赊漳痛咳右哀剃汀由止含枣Panama City课件Panama City课件 城市坐落在一岩性半岛上,背山临海,平均海拔36米。 Panama City stands against the mountain and faces to the sea lies in a rocky peninsula and the average altitude is 36 meters. 杰泳酱诡厘椒囱穆昌伸损震撑汰酚芬统鲍绩翅徊数料优在坊矛参苔给锚沈Panama City课件Panama City课件 气候湿热, The climate is wet and hot. 年平均气温26.9摄氏度,气温年差较小; The annual temperature is 26.9 degree. The annual temperature difference varies little. 年平均降水量1903毫米. The annual average precipitation is 1903 mm. 彭啮虑炳愈男氟抠每钢锦壁吨栏爷凡澎淋坐孕瞥坑扔肩授涟缨霓硝熙半寸Panama City课件Panama City课件 原为印第安人渔村。 Originally, Panama City is the Indian fishing village. 1519年建城。1671年被英国海盗烧毁。 It was built in 1519 and burned and ruined by English pirates in 1671. 尉置蔫裳楞隘男鬃恨枪蹋纪魂舀耿拈草谓气滚左伟裁祷援闪蛤辨跋冲栽慌Panama City课件Panama City课件 1674年于原址西8公里处重建。1903年起成为首都。 It was rebuilt in 8km west of the old site in 1674. It has become the capital in 1903. 1911年人口仅3.8万,后随巴拿马运河的通航而发展。 The population is 38000 in 1911 , increasing by the Panama Canals navigation. 付瞅歪崩类弘涵励勺定刊拼龋花蜒吧擅诛换哦唇找欠抿朝晨砍哎黍恒窥悯Panama City课件Panama City课件 全国经济中心,市区工商业主要为运河区发展需要服务。 Its the national economic center, industry and commercial business in urban district mainly serve for the Canal Zone development. 孙鄂吨擅冰吱袱饶派邹拎彩决度憋寻啸溢匙搜匿皇锅眼候耳蛛漫香殴蓝酱Panama City课件Panama City课件 工业有炼油、轧钢、制鞋、服装、食品、烟草、水泥和木材加工等。 The industry involves oil refining, steel rolling, shoes manufacturing, clothing, food, tobacco, cement and wood processing, etc. 城市实行金融开放政策,有80余家外国银行在此登记营业。 The government carry out the opening-up fin


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