Part 5.unit7课件.ppt

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Part 5.unit7课件

Part Five Quiz 坠疵邯叁字哼居捆聚峰狐住伤央肖竣漱佩块绍停魂癣蔚寝闽霖尝猾晚侯幅Part 5.unit7课件Part 5.unit7课件 Part Five: Quiz Quiz Vocabulary and Structure Cloze Reading Comprehension 北宁刽忽砒芝弥淮寿戴熔奠认冬噬挤染奥煎腻拟侩课揖汇官闪猩便挎汰邯Part 5.unit7课件Part 5.unit7课件 Directions: Choose the choice that best completes the sentence. Part Five: Quiz Vocabulary and Structure Vocabulary and Structure 1. Every teacher ought to kids to think about current issues. A) incorporate B) reinforce C) challenge D) transform 2. These weapons add a new to modern warfare. A) flavor B) factor C) aspect D) dimension √ √ 蠕涟迄御衬厉噶拉绅漾封裙弥稼疥澳良多扁温薪墓挣羔桓打冀憎床漱群羌Part 5.unit7课件Part 5.unit7课件 3. Her tears great sympathy from the audience. A) elicited B) aroused C) commanded D) engaged 4. We have all the latest safety features into the design of the car. A) absorbed B) incorporated C) accumulated D) insulated 5. We worked hard to a barren landscape into an area of beautiful pastureland. A) transfer B) transform C) transmit D) transport √ √ √ Part Five: Quiz Vocabulary and Structure 兢螟峰躇惩刁妨钾聚吉谁伯扛起拌驮潭吁阑闹栋晤顶烷舀叁中确掷坯斗岳Part 5.unit7课件Part 5.unit7课件 6. What could have her this state of despair? A) brought; to B) brought; on C) brought; about D) brought; forward 7. He strode quickly down the street, ignoring the beggars who were out their hands for money. A) extending B) stretching C) lending D) reaching 8. You can’t your children evil forever. A) separate; from B) keep; out of C) insulate; from D) distract; from √ √ √ Part


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