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pharmacology 1课件

Pharmacology 药理学 Chapter 1 Introduction;What is pharmacology?;What is pharmacology?;What is pharmacology?;Action on the body;Action on the body;Action on the body;Action on the body;Action on the body;Highlights of the History of Pharmacology;German chemist F. W. Sertürner (1783-1841) is the first to isolate morphine (分离提纯吗啡) from the poppy. Experimentation on dogs proves its analgesic action. ISOLATION (分离) OF COMPOUNDS German microbiologist P. Ehrlich tests hundreds of chemical substances on syphilis. The 606th substance tested, an arsenic compound, proves effective. SCREENING (筛选出) OF COMPOUNDS Pharmacology becomes an independant discipline when R. Buchheim (1820-1879) sets up the first laboratory of pharmacology in Germany, writes the first pharmacology textbook, and becomes the first professor of pharmacology. In 1869, Buchheim’s student O. Schmiedeberg (1838-1921) shows that muscarine produces the same effect on the heart as electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. STUDY OF DRUG TARGETS (药物的作用部位) In 1940 in Britain, Florey, on the basis of Fleming’s work in 1928, isolates penicillin (分离出青霉素) from a culture of blue mold, and initiates the clinical use of antibiotics (抗生素). MODERN CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY;More Recent Research Developments;Development of New Drugs;Gene therapy;Chapter 2 Pharmacokinetics Part 1 Absorption 吸收 Distribution 分布 Elimination 消除(including of ) of drugs;Absorption 吸收 ;;(1) Simple diffusion(简单扩散)、Passive diffusion (被动扩散):The most common passage of drug From a higher concentration (浓度) to a lower concentration (2) Transport by a carrier (主动转运) Can also go from a lower concentration to a higher concentration (3) Diffusion through a channel (易化扩散) From a higher concentration to a lower concentration;1. Absorption 吸收;First-pass elimination (首过消除);First-pass elimination;娘悸谱声淬剿脂弃您迪聚笑帧箕焉烤促静了惩馒割莱腕御战抵若案恐驾脆pharmacology 1课件pharmacology 1课件;Parenteral administration (肠胃外) IV intravenous Fast Reliable Even


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