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relational process课件

赵吉霞 2011200186;This bread is stale. His immediate objective was the church. He repeated the warning.;1. Relational process : attributive process identifying process. carrier attribute, identified identifier, value token. 2. Verbal process : sayer, receiver, target and verbiage. 3. Summary 4. Exercises ;关系过程指的是反映事物之间所处的关系的过程(a process of being)。它可分为“修饰”(attributive)和“认同”(identifying)两大类。修饰类指某个实体具有的属性,或者归属关系,其公式是“A是X的一种”。认同型关系过程的功能是识别一个实体与另一个实体。这两种关系过程各自又可进一步分为“内包式”(intensive)、“环境式”(circumstantial)和“所有式”(possessive)。 例子如   关系过程(修饰)   朕私下想,诸位书生必是极好的。众爱卿均是高帅富,众爱妃均是白富美。  (载体)(关系过程)(修饰)      关系过程(认同)   教务员   是   这位女同志。   (被认同者)(关系过程)(认同者)   ? ;Relational Processes: Processes of Being; There is one participant: the Carrier. Another concept is the Attribute. ; My name ; In identifying processes, the processes are reversible, so the roles of Identifier and Identified change. 判断是attributive还是identifying 主要是看两个参与者在句中的位置是否可换。;The strongest shape;The church;;(1) intensive: ‘x is a’ (2) circumstantial: ‘x is at a’ (3) possessive: ‘x has a’ ; Mode Type (i) attributive (ii) identifying (1) in- Sarah is wise Tom is the leader tensive the leader is Tom (2) cir- the fair is on a Tomorrow is the 10th cums- Tuesday the 10th is tomorrow tantial (3) pos- Peter has a the piano is Peter’s sessive piano Peter’s is the piano;;言语过程是指说话交流信息的过程。过程的参与者分别是“说话者”(Sayer)、”受话者”(Receiver)或者“目标”(Target)。说话内容(Verbiage)指的是传递给受话人的某个信息。常用的动词有say, tell, talk, praise, boast, describe等等 言语过程   小琳  告诉   蔡华   她今晚会回家。 (说话者)(言语过程)(受话者)(讲话内容);Verbal processes—verbs of ‘saying’ There are mainly three participants: the Sayer, the Receiver, and Verbiage.;Typically, The sayer is human, but messages can be repressented by other types of sayer as well. Eg. One report says Sister Fu Rong suicided. In


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