Republic of Singapore课件.ppt

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Republic of Singapore课件

Republic of Singapore ;削堪潜吱佐延毖岳恢枝昼躯檬蹄瞧尤础敌蚕祥片赛上篱鹊寻衡栅角睡鹿馁Republic of Singapore课件Republic of Singapore课件;Singapore area of 640 square kilometres with a population of 2.7 million 新加坡面积640平方公里,人口270万 ; 了解新加坡华人的性格特点,相对而言是比较容易的,海外华人的乡土意识极强,不少人这边有父母,那边有兄弟,心系两地,他们很乐意回祖国经商。同甘共苦,不畏强暴是他们代代相传的民族风格,但却很顾面子,正因为面子问题显得十分重要,所以,在商谈中,“面子”对谈判的技巧起决定性的作用,常常到磋商行重大的实质性问题时,也轻易签守立据,似乎有一种让对手“口说无凭”的意思。但“面子”的另一方面,却是他们在签订合同以后,为了不耻于人,总是格守信誉,认真履约,因而在国外商人的眼中,新加坡籍商人一向有勤奋、诚实、谦虚、可靠的美德。与新加坡人谈判,不仅必须以诚相待,更重要的是考虑给对方面子,不妨多说几句“多多指教”、“多关照”的谦言。值得一提的是,与海外华人进行贸易,采用方言洽谈,有时可以起到一种独特的作用。碰上说潮州话的商人,首先献上一句“自己人,莫客气”的潮州乡音,给人一种宾至如归的感觉,其他象粤语、滇语等同样有助于谈判的进行和成功。 ;Understanding of Singapore Chinese character, is relatively easy, strong local awareness of overseas Chinese, many people here are parents, brothers on the other side, both in mind, they would be happy to do business back to the motherland. Through thick and thin, brute force is a national style of them on from generation to generation, but save face, because the face is very important, so, in the talks, face on negotiation skills play a decisive role, often to discuss major substantive issues, keep the deed is easily checked, there seems to be a rival words alone are no proof mean. But the face of on the other hand, it was after they signed a contract, in order not to shame the person, always abiding by reputation, serious performance, so in the eyes of foreign businessmen, Singapore Chinese businessmen have always been diligent, honest, modest, reliable virtues. Singapore people negotiate, not only must trust each other, is considered more important to each other, and may wish to say a few words advise,take care of modest statement.It is worth mentioning that, trade with theoverseas Chinese, the use of dialect negotiation,you can sometimes play a unique role. Meet Teochew-speaking businessmen, first presented by saying brothers, let it kind of Chaozhou accent, gives one the feeling of being at home, like Cantonese, other languages such as Yunnan and also hel


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