Safety Engineering 6课件.ppt

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Safety Engineering 6课件

Introduction to Safety Engineering;6.Hazard Reduction Precedence;课文讲解;;6.1 “Design out” the Hazard 6.1 “设计掉”危害;;“火三角”与“火四面体” ;;;;Figure 6.1 illustrates how easy designing out the hazard can sometimes be. 图6.1阐明了设计掉危害有时是多么简单。 The first part is a typical engineering design. Gaseous nitrogen is needed to support the operator’s activities. 第一幅图是一个典型的工程设计,在操作活动中需要应用到氮气。 ;However, as can be seen in the second block, the nitrogen feed bottles do not need to be located in the same area as the operator. 然而,就像我们在第二幅图中看到的,氮气瓶没有必要放置在操作者所处的同一区域内。 The bottles have been moved outside the work area, thus alleviating the asphyxiation hazard. 把氮气瓶移到工作区域之外,就可以减轻窒息的危害。 alleviate[?li:vieit] vt. 减轻 asphyxiation[?sfiksiei∫?n] n.窒息;;One hazard is mating a 208-V source to a 110-V system. 有一种危害就是将208V的电源和110V的系统匹配。 If there is concern that cables could be mismated through human error, then the engineer needs to design out that hazard. 如果注意到由于人员失误可能导致错误匹配的情况,那么工程师就需要设计掉这种危险。 Using cable connectors that are keyed differently and scoop-proof would assure that it is physically impossible to mismate the cables. 利用不同的键接和卡口式电缆连接器可以保证电缆根本不可能错误匹配。 mate vt.使配对, 使一致, 结伴 cable connector 电缆连接器 keyed v.键入; vbl. 键入 scoop-proof 卡口式连接 scoop-proof connector 卡口式连接器;scoop-proof connectors;scoop-proof connectors;;;A technician was making a blind mate (mating cables without visual verification during the operation) of an electrical harness power cable to the Magellan. 一名技术员把铠装电力输送电缆盲接到麦哲伦号航天飞机上。(在操作过程中在没有视觉验证的情况下连接电缆)。 harness 甲胄, 铠装 ;;6.2. Safety Devices 6.2 安全装置;An example is a valve that fails in a safe manner. 失去安全作用的阀就是一个例子。 In many chemical processes it is critical that the temperature not exceed a certain level. 在许多化学工艺中保证温度不超过某一特定的水平是很关键的。 fail in 在...上失败,变弱 manner n.礼貌, 风格, 方式, 样式, 习惯 chemical processes 化工工艺;If the control valve fails in an open position, then the system will still maintain cooling even if system power or control is lost for one reason or another. 如果控制阀不能处于打开位置,那么即使系统由于这样或者那样


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