Structuralist theories .课件.ppt

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Structuralist theories .课件

Structuralist theories ;结构主义;;;Langue and parole ;Saussure (索绪尔);Yury Lotman (尤里·洛特曼);The first major developments in structuralist studies ;Roland Barthes (罗兰· 巴尔特); An ensemble(组合) (sports jacket/grey-flannelled trousers(灰色法兰绒裤子)/white open-necked shirt ) is equivalent to a specific sentence uttered by an individual for a particular purpose; the elements fit together to make a particular kind of utterance and to evoke a meaning or style. No one can actually perform the system itself, but their selection of elements from the sets of garments which make up the system express their competence in handling the system. ;Metaphor and metonymy ; The two disorders correspond to two figures of speech— metaphor and metonymy Contiguity disorder—substitution in the vertical dimensions—metaphor (‘den’ for ‘hut’ ) Similarity disorder—the production of parts of sequences for the wholes (不能产生序列的部分来替换整体)–metonymy (‘burnt out’ for ‘hut’ ) ;Structuralist poetics ;Different readers produce different interpretations While they may differ about meaning, they may well follow the same set of interpretative conventions (阐释规范) e.g. New Criticism’s basic assumption – unity (统一性) Different readers may discover unity in different ways in a particular poem, but the basic forms of meaning they look for ( forms of unity )may be the same. Culler recognized the conventions applied to one genre will not apply to another, and that the conventions of interpretation will differ from one period to another. But he believed that theory is concerned with static(静态的), synchronic(共时的) systems of meaning and not diachronic(历时的) historical ones.; Traditional romantic thought: author is the origin of the text, its creator and progenitor (祖先)---precedes the work structuralists: writing has no origin --every text is made up of the ‘already written’ Structuralism : isolate the system ,exclude change and innovation from consideration (排除变化和创新,孤立地突出体系) Structuralist : interested in the


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