Text Organization课件.ppt

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Text Organization课件

;Text Organization;;;;Words;2. devastating 1)破坏性极大的,毁灭性的 A smouldering cigarette can kindle a devastating bushfire. 2)辛辣的,挖苦的, 惊人的;压倒性的;有魅力的 You look devastating in that new dress. His jokes were completely devastating. ;3. Raw 1)阴冷的 a raw wind 阴冷的风/ a raw winter day 2) 未熟的/ Apples can be eaten raw. Raw/medium (half done)/well done 3) 未经加工过的,原始的,纯的 raw materials ;4. Launch 发射,发起(运动),推出(产品);使开始从事 The company is launching a new model next month. launch out出航; launch into投身于,开始着手; launch a new enterprise创办一个新企业; launch a ship 新船首航 launch an attack 发动进攻 We launched a new project. The new ship was launched today. ;5. Campaign n,vt 运动;战役 Can you guess who would laugh last in the president election campaign? The general (将军) planned a campaign to capture the enemy `s most important city. on campaign 出征; an election campaign竞选活动; commercial campaigns 商业活动;6. Efficient 有效率的,有能力的 The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker ,and the boss is quite satisfied. Efficient service can be achieved through modern technology. efficiency n.效率, inefficient a.不能胜任的,没能力的; ;7. Conquest n.征服, 克服,战利品 The statement laid bare its ambition for world conquest. The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jane. The Romans extended their conquests to Britain. for the conquest of 为了要征服; make a conquest of 征服,赢得…感情.;13. Retreat (from/to) 撤退 The armys retreat was orderly. 隐退处;休养所 He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend. (天主教)僻静[C][U] The monks conducted a retreat. 退避,引退 He spent a few days in retreat. Dunkirk retreat was a miracle in the history of war. 敦克尔克大撤退是战争史上的奇迹. ;9. Decisive a. 决定性的,坚定的,果断的。 China` s economic reform is a decided victory, but whether it is a decisive one only time can tell. He gave a decisive answer. a decisive influence 决定性的影响 ; a decisive person果断的人 ; decisive advantage 明显的优势 a decisive moment in his career;10. Engage v. 吸引,占用,与…交战,使从事 Beautiful clothes could easily engage girls` attention. I phoned John la


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