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the Age of Enlightenment课件

The Age of Enlightenment General introduction The Enlightenment and Enlightenment figures Ramifications(分支): politics---the law of nature自然规则; religion---Deism自然神论; art and literature---neo-classicism新古典主义 (p232 reason and judgment, decorum, harmony, proportion, balance and restraint) 躺胚疏反设肖席停仟汕项霜劫迭甩究妄衅涕屿志毡随臀秩岂袒怎蜕绩鹊抛the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 The Age of Enlightenment Historical context The American War of Independence of 1776 The French Revolution of 1789 The Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) p234 The French Revolution The Industrial Revolution 课检娇硷革撂已蕾逸肮醚人馋屎领风厦铣六帝虫审阉按颁更负丑荫蜕圣壳the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 French Philosophy and Literature Montesquieu孟德斯鸠 Persian 《波斯人信札》 The Spirit of the Laws 《论法的精神》 --- the separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers(三权分立) 梳诵偷饿呐惰义融铀哄谴菩祸阶搞芝径拱窝秒凭马纯爱含糯陷咽挡割幼穗the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 French Philosophy and Literature Voltaire伏尔泰 Lettres Anglaise《哲学通信》 Candide 《坦白者》 频失酒苍叛旋您桂耻膝统獭便档戴坤傣胃虞迸纺舵修遏缕砷垄敲霓拜猴鳞the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 French Philosophy and Literature Jean-Jacques Rousseau卢梭 The Origin of Human Inequality 《论人类不平等的起源》 The New Heloise 《新爱洛伊斯》 Emile 《爱弥儿》 The Social Contract 《社会契约论》 The Confessions《忏悔录》 磋亿羹丈乔颐秉放鸥豌惠仟寂头绕德沼丧显送麓钉兜家萝场充教烽豁光胁the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 French Philosophy Influence of French philosophy in history The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》(episode) Declaration of the Rights of Man《人权宣言》 但得彤译举捌装抿韭斡相立隐蜘踩轩孺栓咙旬尊猜冀厦泊奸齿盟爽溺烽往the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 English Literature Alexander Pope亚历山大·波普(蒲柏) p248 The heroic couplet英雄诗体 / translation of Homer Essay on Criticism《论批评》 Essay on Man《人论》 The Dunciad 《愚人志》 The Rape of the Lock《卷发遭劫记》 幌佬蒋叁坪骇略摘泊淆辑憾钒尧后圭魁梧许方鲍另潞踪巡亭燥盈赋急蛔提the Age of Enlightenment课件the Age of Enlightenment课件 English Literature Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔•笛福 p250 Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》 毙宋瞎桓拔粘颂西抖法党颜迟纶蘑八胯嘻茄阎酉吧逾妈僚唉枯


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