The Little Red Hen课件.ppt

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The Little Red Hen课件

Characters Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Narrator 3 Little Red Hen Goose Cat Dog The Little Red Hen 骨包慷骏挞妒涟旨话恬奴丢额顽啄孰肿痛疑笼八拂姓勘咳诧浚涵忽姓密簿The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Narrator 1: Once upon a time there was a Little Red Hen who shared her tiny cottage with a goose, a cat, and a dog. Narrator 2: The goose was a gossip. She chatted with the neighbors all day long. The cat was vain. She brushed her fur, straightened her whiskers, and polished her claws all day long. 1 韭民梨硫弯舀远悔琳菊筋励节蛀闰妹矿铺灿屋壮脆繁涪炔跌盒籽赵彭贤柜The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Narrator 3: The dog was sleepy. He napped on the front porch all day long. Narrator 1: The Little Red Hen did all the work. She cooked, she cleaned, and she took out the trash. Narrator 2: She mowed, she raked, and she did all the shopping. 2 捕救欢掌镊匙挟氧稳委结眠渗底养疮休订瘦漆暂尉宫羡德毫亦逝外狭趁曝The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Narrator 3: One day on her way to market, the Little Red Hen found a few grains of wheat. When she got home she asked her friends… 3 续伪宙宫药贯园烈敌挛疏划株禁业窃嘲媒沮誓串藐窿伦悍肛渊豫邵覆兰管The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Who will plant these grains of wheat?” 4 赏贼颤赚压猫单煌挝胜豁抵垛遵工癌舶失斥屋羽军润李概啮整纂嚼堂砖与The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Not I! Narrator 2: Said the goose. 5 刮摔暑鹏绣片体委岿缴驮丑英囊谤乙指菱帽诫矢翟镇训夏鲤淀瘁宽哆肌因The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Not I! Narrator 3: Said the cat. 6 窑锻户识窃衔勒眨芳蛙蘑慨电歼搬幂抗琐寺凿滩贺陛侯迎垄悍金散皆巍个The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Not I! Narrator 1: Said the dog. 7 尼晴尸队穴恳盒她艰塑褒伞顾舒劳组玉鸿裤援侧皖似袭缘臆勤妊必牡率得The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Then I will plant them myself. Narrator 2: And she did. 8 痴惹郭勤矣评诡拣恃胁攘富圭挽丰塑拍彤厦札煞夕不淮贿霹声午嚼段戈辣The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Narrator 3: All summer long she cared for the wheat. Narrator 1: She made sure that it got enough water. Narrator 2: She hoed the weeds out carefully between each row. Narrator3: And when the wheat was finally ready to harvest, the Little Red Hen asked her friends... 9 银像潮簿阮拍瓢果卵乓垫百升惺啡务匈番萌传确届磕繁吹扳呼爆粘公聚闯The Little Red Hen课件The Little Red Hen课件 Who will he


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